#168 Missionary Day

8:00 PM

Today marks our annual missionary day out at camp. It's one of those things my introvert self dreads, but another part of me really longs for this day.

Introvert side of me says how scary the day will be, because I have to try to interact with all these people to be sociable for the sake of being sociable. It tells me that every question I ask will be awkward or one they've had to answer multiple times. I'll have them tell the same old boring story they've told a million times, and I'll make them feel super awkward, because missionaries are celebrities right?

The other part of me longs to hear their stories. Longs to see them as normal people. Longs to hear what God is doing. I wonder what life is like after serving overseas and now being back in the United States retired. Is it weird? Do they miss the place they served? Does this even feel like home anymore?

And then somehow I get frozen, and revert to the introverted side of me. Although today was a bit different. I tried to put myself in spots where I could talk. Where I could meet and talk to these missionaries who gave up so much of their life for the sake of the Gospel. I got to experience that today. I got to hear some stories. I got to see them as normal people. I got to see that God is still good to them, even after they've retired and are back in a "foreign land". That He can make any place home.

One of our retired missionaries stood up and wanted to lead everyone in a chorus of "Oh How I Love Jesus". As soon as we hit the chorus, I realized what a special moment this was. I recorded some of it, but had to delete it because I forgot I captured one of our secure missionaries. But the room filled with the voices of 40 people who have served God faithfully through the years. Who have let Him take them across seas and lands. People who realized that the love Christ displayed, was why they so deeply loved Him.

There is a name I love to hear
I love to sing its worth
It sounds like music in mine ear
The sweetest name on earth

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me

It tells me of a Savior's love
Who died to set me free
It tells me of His precious blood
The sinner's perfect plea

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me

It tells of One whose loving heart
Can feel my deepest woe
Who in each sorrow bears a part
That none can bear below

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me

Also today's weather was perfect. I mean it gave me hope that fall might actually come this year! The 100 degree days have been killer, and have burned away every memory and sensation of fall. What is fall?

On my way from Nancy's house, I pulled up next to another Wagoneer driver. I had a juvenile freak out moment and waved like a crazy person at him--a 65 year old man. I don't know if he saw me do that, I kind of hope not, but as soon as we got side by side, he turned to me and gave me a slight approving nod. That's the Wagoneer club for ya.

I came home this evening to Stephen already at home, with a gift waiting in a pizza box for me. Silly boy. He had roamed the aisles of Target thinking what he could possibly get me as a simple "thinking of you" gift--and inside the pizza box was the Twenty One Pilots CD. Something I've been listening to on repeat via YouTube for a while now.

Sweet sweet man.

Something You Wish More People Knew or Believed

I have an obvious answer to this, but I'm going to try to go less obvious and maybe more simple.

Because this is very relevant in a friend's life right now, I would have to say, I wish people knew that the person God intends for them to marry is most DEFINITELY worth the wait. 100%. No regrets. You'll have wondered why you let any other person come in your life, when you meet the person that not only meets all the things you wanted in a spouse, but exceeds them. EXCEEDS! But instead so many people, including myself (many times), settle for much less than they are worth thinking they will never find better. It's not true. Let God move in this area of your life, not you.

It's also not really hard work to be married. Not in the typical sense. It can be hard. It can be frustrating. But that person, that one you have waited for, is so worth it. At the end of hard times, it won't feel hard. It'll feel like what you need to do to maintain and nourish one of the greatest blessings God could give you. 

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