#160 Zumba

8:01 AM

The thunderstorms this afternoon were so intense that at one point it sounded like the A/C system had just kicked in high gear, because it did not sound like it could be rain. That intense.

Ignore the sideways photos this time...
After passing a wreck during lunch due to all the rains, at 5:30pm Donna, Cindy and I looked at the traffic report to realize the interstate was a nightmare. So I took Cindy's advice to try and run through downtown and back down 378 to get home. 

Everyone had that idea. Everyone.

After talking to Stephen about how late I was going to be home, I typed in the location for Zumba and realized I was on the same road as the church 3 miles away, and it was going to take me 40 minutes. Ugh.

So Stephen packed me some clothes, and we met up at Saluda River Baptist for Zumba.

Although I almost didn't make it. I ran my gas super low, and after pulling into one gas station--realizing their pumps were all down--I raced to the church and hoped I'd have enough gas to get to a gas station after Zumba.

Philip, Makayla, Amber, and her mom were all at the church about 10 minutes after we were, and promptly at 7 we started Zumba class lead by Amber. While fun, trust me it was more visually entertaining than anything else. I have NO rhythm. 

Maybe enough practice will make perfect, but nonetheless it was memorable. Especially seeing Philip and Stephen joining in every now and then.

A Day in the Life of, Through Pictures

Confession. I did badly at this. And honestly these are photos from multiple days, because who remembers to take pictures of their lives? I'm even days late on this, because I thought I'd remember to do it on a day that was more interesting. Oh well.

Oh and they're sideways.

Waking up in the early morning....
Great cupholder in the elevator for my coffee
Old lady & rainy days in the office.
The days slowly tick by with this as my view... 
Robert Grant's office, with the thunderstorm brewing.
The crazy traffic I sat in for years... 
A sweet pup to welcome me home

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