#156 Sick Days and Home Days

9:56 AM

So today while at work, my thoughts couldn't helped but turn to my hubby who is still not feeling well. It's an odd place to be in, because one I've addressed my lack of connection to the realism that even my husband is human and can be fragile, but also because he never really complains much during times he is ill. I have to try and pay attention to wincing faces, or hands placed over his stomach in an attempt to comfort and ease the pain. to even know he's hurting.

And while I'm not happy he's sick, I'm happy he seems to need me right now. He asked if I'd drive him to the doctor after he got home from work, not because he wasn't capable of driving and not because I had to be somewhere, but because he wanted and needed me there. He also needed me to make him a grilled cheese, and so I obliged.

Ran to church shortly after picking Katie up on the way, and while my night was short, I had conversations I knew I needed to be there to have.

A Home Sweet Home Tour

Funny enough, today's Blogtember post is about home, and I went on a Instagram story post earlier to show off how a sick room looks (the bedroom kind of looked like a hospital room), well now my bedroom is slightly Instagram worthy after cleaning it up, the rest of the house is not.

So while normally I'm slightly embarrassed of my home, not because I've not put love and thought into what I cultivate and make of it, but because it's always in this unfinished state and layered in dog fur, I realized taking photos of it today really are deceiving. Almost any room looks perfect in a photo.

The Instagram worthy homes I look at everyday--light, bright, airy, clean, updated, rustic--could all be found within my own home to some degree if I just had the right editing before I sent the photos on to you guys. Somehow these photos look 10 times better than it does in person, and I can see all of a sudden that while this place is messy, its a perfect representation of what my home and life is. Messy. It's not perfect. Sometimes it gleams, but sometimes it's covered in a layer of filth. Sometimes I'm excited to have you come see it, sometimes I'd rather you stay away. And sometimes its shameful to show off that it's not ideal or clean, but we're friends and you get the pleasure of seeing that side of me.

Unkempt pillows and all.

Messy counter tops, floor sample exposed.

New cabinets... well okay not really new anymore.

Dark dining room with junk all stacked in the corner.

Oh the piles and piles.

The light I redid, and the 89 that had no meaning for a while

The gallery wall that sits uneven.... 

The dirty guest tub with too bright of walls

The bed that stays neat for about 2 minutes before the dog jumps on it.
Master bath, with trash and messy tops

But in the midst of these somewhat clean photos where you can't see the dog hair and dust or smell the pee in the carpet, there are smaller tid bits that really are the key to my home.

Sweet memories of my life with Stephen.
Family made artwork that was given to me.

Family photos of people we wish we saw more
Sweet hand drawn reminders of who we serve in this house
With momentos of things we both really love and cherish.
And my own artwork hanging beside my bottle collections

These are the small things that reflect us, and that make me cherish the home I live in. Not the nicely pressed, fresh sheets that came from a box store, but the sweet photos of family, the hub caps on the walls to show this is not just Brittany's home but Stephen's too, and the one of a kind pieces with imperfect paint strokes that show time and love went into this place, no matter how imperfect it is.

Oh and to make me feel better, about a week later a group of bloggers did a post on this (although their photographing abilities are amazing and don't make their home feel like a dark dungeon). See here.

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