#148 Little Ceaser's Run

1:22 PM

Today I actually got home early. We had a staff meeting away from the office, and the day ended shorter than normal meaning I got home right in time for Stephen to leave! Haha! Don't you love how that works?

I ventured out to Wal-Mart trying to hunt down a few of the clues for Stephen's surprise this weekend. No real luck. Although I did manage to find super cheap pots that I think I'm going to be able to make some stringed light stands out of. $5 a pop for 2 foot tall containers, it was a deal I had to share with my mom too!

Something like this... 
Although alone, I got to relax for a bit at home. Catching up with friends. It was much needed. And then Stephen got home, and between the two of us and then Matt we pretty much lounged around eating pizza and watching TV.

Which brings me to my story about Little Ceaser's.

Last time I tried to get a pizza, Hot and Now, I came home crying. #FirstWorldProblems

Really it had more to do with just feeling alone, and then having to sit alone than it did the pizza. But the point of the story is, I had to wait literally 40 minutes for like 5 pizzas that were supposed to be Hot and Now.

Stephen has also had to wait.

So tonight Stephen tried putting some on hold for us. And while the girl insisted they were hot and now, sure enough I got to Little Ceaser's and they had held our two pizzas. To our surprise! Didn't find spit on them either, amazingly.


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