#114 Where Discipleship Begins & Drinks Have a Place

Lamest title, but I really have no idea what to call this one.

My biggest drama of the day--and I guess does not fall in line with mentioning something good every day so bear with me--was some mix ups with shirt printing for camp. First, I forgot to get approval on the shirt, which it's a great shirt and simple. So thankfully Laurie wasn't too upset by me forgetting to check with her, but it'll teach me not to do that again! Second, we had to order a different colored youth shirt than the adult. The adult was in a minty green with charcoal writing, really pretty. For the youth shirt we went with electric blue. Well the end result was rather hilarious--if well we hadn't paid for these. But nonetheless, it's still hilarious.

Online Color Example, Art Approval Mock Up, Actual Product Result
How is that shirt Electric Blue? And the writing is practically gone. Oh well. I think they'll see there was an error on their part for either one not communicating the text and shirt would blend together, or that the shirt is not actually Electric Blue... cause HOW is that Electric Blue?

Tonight I got to spend about an hour and a half with Amber on the phone. She asked me to disciple her back in February, and other than being there when she needs me, help trying to navigate and point her to God when she's going through things--I feel like I'm floundering a bit figuring out what to do. So anyways, why not just talk and see where the Lord takes it right? While we spent a lot of time just catching up, we had a few good talks about things that had taken place in Unleashed, how God used her trip to the Ark Encounter, some of the future of Unleashed and her part in it--so I hope it's the beginning to something good. Just pray I'm faithful in this to God, and that it benefits Amber somehow in some way.

I also got in my cup holder today. Honestly I knew based on the reviews this would be just a filler for the empty hole that's been in my dashboard from where the old radio used to be. When we got Hank the previous owner had replaced the stereo/radio with a new one--touch display and can play movies. As seen in my post the other day about watching the movie in the Jeep.

So the cup holder fits, as in like just barely fills up that hole. And there is no radio frame box still in there, so it kind of just floats around in the dash. But for now it fills a hole--even if it'll never hold a cup!

The drawers say "Free Box" and "Drink Holder" Haha.

#113 End of an Era and Wal-Mart

Back at it again tonight with my mom over at Wal-Mart, because when it's 98 degrees outside with humidity at 41% and a Real Feel of 105 degrees at 7pm at night, you DO NOT spend your time outside swimming through the heat. Nope.

I tried to track our walking distance with my Pokemon Go app--didn't work. Just use a pedometer people. Got some good smelling stuff for the carpet on my way out, because it's getting pretty desperate as far as the carpet front goes.

Good thing I'm about to have our first meeting with our neighbor about replacing the flooring with laminate or vinyl planks. I can't deal with the smell and grossness of the carpet anymore. For when we do finally have laminate or vinyl planks, I've already bought our first rug for the den and it came in today.

Little teal, grey, black and navy
And I've been playing around with how the den will look. Still a little confused as to how to balance out the brown couch, the brown console table, the brown tv cabinet, and the brown end tables.... So I'm pretty sure the curtains will not be navy, and there may end up being some furniture painting at some point.

This makes this room look so much bigger than it is, but mood board people--mood board.
I completed Stranger Things tonight. Can the next season be out already? Such a time capsule of a tv show, and the plot was so good! Oh well, maybe back to reading for me!

#112 Stranger Things

After getting home from work today, Stephen and I chit chatted for a bit before I began folding laundry and watching Stranger Things.

I mean.. even this poster transports you into the 80s.

Pretty sure this is the new Breaking Bad or Orange is the New Black series--in that it's taken the Netflix community by storm. And if you've not been watching it, well you should.

 I think my favorite thing about this show is the 80s nostalgia, that well I never lived through, but that Stranger Things captures so perfectly here. This is every Stephen King, Goonies, Super 8, Spielberg movie wrapped into one. The music is spot on for this era, and well you just feel like you're living through some sort of typical 80s thriller (like this somehow was really an everyday occurrence in the 80s for the average American) but in the best way possible.

Stephen and I took a break from the show, and played Bananagrams twice--it's like the only game Stephen can beat me in. So he beat me, twice. Matt came home, and showed us his new magic trick, which I was finally able to see some of how it worked, but goodness if I'm not the most gullible magic trick person there is. My mind can't wrap around the deception. Before we went to bed, I needed one more episode of the show to cap off my night. Although, now I'm a little down in the dumps that I only have 2 episodes left--why is it only 8 episodes?! 

#111 Tarzan

After our long day yesterday, we kind of overslept A LOT and missed church this morning. I woke up to realizing that our GoFundMe pages had automatically posted on my FB, and that it'd been shared a multitude of times as well as funds had already been donated towards our Summertime Christmas Child (Operation Christmas Child). So go cast your vote now... will you Save It or Shave It?
Save It

Shave It

But we managed to see our crazy peoples this evening at Pastime to watch Tarzan.

While Stephen and I were a bit late to the movie, we found everyone with ease since we got stuck in one of the tiny movie theatres. We sat in the row in front of our friends, but felt very much a part of the conversation still as  Stephanie's exclamations during the movie kept the whole movie theatre rolling with laughter. Love that girl.

Afterwards we answered all of Stephanie's questions about Tarzan, cracking up and talking so loudly we were certain everyone in 29072 could hear us. 

#110 Diego's Grand Adventure to Hilton Head Island

Some friends of ours from church had asked if we wanted to go with them to Hilton Head Island for the day. So we loaded up bright and early this morning in our car with Makayla and Phillip to head to our first stop in Barnwell for some much needed home cooking at Phillip's parents house. His mom is an amazing cook, and really is just sweetest family living out in the middle of nowhere in their pretty house on the prettiest of properties. A property nestled at the end of a dusty road, no homes but their own within eyesight, backed up to the biggest pond speckled with lily pads in full bloom, with a swing bench facing towards the beautiful landscape nestled under a large oak tree. Simply beautiful.

Phillip, aka Diego, toured us around Barnwell, and gave us directions all the way down to Hilton Head as this was one of his frequent stomping grounds almost every weekend during his youth. We first went down to Caligny Park trying to find a parking space, and well we ended up having a fender bender.
Virginia drivers never look back. NEVER. Even when backing up.
Thankfully nothing too bad, but Stephen did end up with a crack on his bumper. His bumper that was imported from Japan-- so not the most easy bumper to replace or fix. Phillip knows how to lighten a situation though, and Stephen was feeling his self again pretty shortly after the incident.

We shopped around a bit in the Caligny shopping center, and headed in for some much needed  ice cream at one of the best places, Moo Moo Creamery. Stellar Coffee ice cream is one that I would kill for. Come visit me in prison next time you are in town.
Cow for President. You have our vote.
We changed into our swimsuits completely bloated from too much ice cream, and then headed to the beach to find the perfect spot to lay down our chairs and towels. While the beach was crowded, we were able to walk past most of it to a more quiet area. We swam for about 2 hours, and laid out for another hour. A few zzzzz's were caught, as the windy beach and warm air made the perfect napping environment.

Diego considering covering his tracks by destroying the sand castle.
We rinsed up to head out to Sea Pines community, to cross off the bucket list see the Harbour Town lighthouse up close and personal. 

A video posted by Makayla Keisler (@little_mk3) on

Made it to the top! 
We took the trolley over to South Beach for dinner at The Salty Dog Cafe, and realized that our 45 min wait time was going to put us really close to the last cut off for the trolley back to the parking lot. So Stephen and I decided we'd leave the two love birds to shop and get our table, while we went back to get the car.

Unfortunately it took a bit longer than we thought it would. It was 35 min to catch the first trolley back to Harbour Town, 10 minutes to drive to Harbour Town, another 25 min of waiting for the trolley we just missed to take us back to the parking lot, and like another 20 min or so to get to the parking lot--for a grand total round trip back to South Beach of 1 hr and 30 minutes. Whew! But we were just thankful for a great day, that made the crazy long 4.5 mile excursion worth it.

Makayla and Phillip had all our food ready in hand to go, and we piled up in the car for our 3 hour trip back home with filled bellies on seafood and hushpuppies! Yum.

#109 Midnight Special

So today Stephen was out of town in Greenville visiting his Dad, Alexis, and Roger (a couple of Discount Tire coworkers). Stephen had offered to bring me along, but knowing how little Stephen gets to spend one on one time with his dad, I was not about to bust in on that party. He had a great day in the upstate, and I'm so happy he did.

Me on the other hand, I decided to stay home and clean, while doing a little shopping. After a few busy days this week, a quiet day alone seemed needed. Although that sometimes means I get lost in my own thoughts, and that coupled with hormones right now--not the best combination. But in light of my crazy emotions today, I was able to spend time with my parents at lunch, get some shopping done, and come home and do laundry as well as clean.

In one last run out to get some items for home that we needed, I decided it was best if I didn't go home right away since our house guest was home and Stephen was not. So I camped out in the parking lot at Wal-Mart for a bit and watched Midnight Special on my DVD player in Hank.

Got to love modern technology in an old Wagoneer.
Feeling a little weird, and slightly on edge watching this in the parking lot (although no one really noticed me), I decided to come home and watch it in the driveway instead. So I did just that! And I finally figured out how to get the screen in the backseat to turn on (which it's been 7 months now, and I never could figure out how to make the additional screen work--but the remote that came with the Jeep finally did the trick!).

I laid out across the bench seat, rolled down the windows, propped up my head with some blankets, and enjoyed a good chunk of this Sci-Fi drama. It ended up being a really slow paced, but action packed drama. Not too many answered questions, but enough to keep you hooked.

Life slowed down tonight. Hearing the chirping of the grasshopper and the humming of cicadas in the woods, looking out to a clear dark sky dotted with shining stars, and looking up at about 10:45 pm to Stephen's face peaking in the window of the Jeep, surprised too that I'd gotten the backseat screen to finally work. The older I keep getting, the more I keep craving the feeling I got tonight.

#108 A Thursday

Today was one of those days, where I have to ask "What was out of the norm?" "What was different about today?" "What was good about today?" Nothing jumps out, except that it wasn't a bad day.

So there it is. It was a good day, in the simplest of ways.

Work. Home. Dinner. Church. Second Dinner. 

All with great people. 

#107 Adoption

So one of the things Stephen and I have discussed for a while is that we both feel adoption will be in our future. It's one of those things it scares me to think about, but on the other hand also gets me super excited and overwhelmed with joy at the thought of having this little person be in our lives, and just be a living demonstration of the kind of love the Father has for His children. But let's slow down for a second, because Stephen and I still aren't even ready yet for kids as a whole, much less the adoption train. Although, God keeps sharing real life stories with me of adoption. He keeps molding my heart in this moment to prepare for that future moment. One of those stories is from the House of Rose blog.

This is a blog I stumbled on a few years ago, mainly because she was decorating some of her rooms and I really liked her style. Mandy Rose's way of speaking through her blog was honest enough, real enough that it kept me tuned in, even when she began talking about how to raise 3 boys (completely irrelevant to my life right now) and feeling like a crummy mom at times. I just loved she wasn't afraid to share the messy stuff in her life, which I realize the older I get the more difficult it is to do that with people. So I have followed her journey, including their 3 year journey to adoption.

With 3 boys, all under the age of 10, you wouldn't think that another child, much less an adopted child would really be on their radar. But yet God placed a burden on Mandy's heart that "now was the time" and so they began pursuing an adoption from the Philippines, where her husband's family is from. PS. He looks like the Rock.

About 2-3 weeks ago, they got the call. They could come get their daughter.

Since that call came, I've been a little obsessed with their story. Seeing them meet her, seeing them visit where she has lived the past 18 months of her life, seeing her come home with them, seeing her adjust to her life with her 3 new brothers, and in the midst of all of this change, God's hand has been ever present. He's demonstrated his magnificence and power, and how even a God that big can be in the smallest of details.

I keep thinking, 3 years ago that little girl wasn't even being formed in her mother's womb. 3 years ago, only God knew her and that she would one day fill the void in this Rose family like she does. So He sparked a fire in Mandy's heart to pursue adoption, and 3 years later, their 18 month old daughter is now at home with them--happy as can be.

Just a few recaps of the amazingness of this story:

Parker's Dream

Friend's with the same vision

Her children's love for their unknown sibling

Her Name

Meeting their Daughter

There's a few more things in between, but those are some biggies, especially Her Name. Please read that. The tears, so many tears.

So now I stay glued to her Instagram page, for moments like this...

It's like I didn't know I could have so much joy for a complete stranger and her little girl. But nonetheless, here I am boo-hooing over Instagram posts.

So one day, but for now I'll let my heart chase after the things it loves hearing and reading--adoption stories. Because I know God is preparing us for something, just when only He knows.

#106 The Boys AREN'T Back in Town

Tonight, I was able to enjoy the peace of a quiet and empty house. Sort of. There's always that element of "my chances of being killed tonight just rose 200%", and it doesn't help when the dog starts his freaked out barking at 6 in the afternoon--like "They are already trying to murder me? This early? These murderers waste no time."

A video posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

I knew headed home that my candle materials had arrived, and somewhere in my mind I was super worried this crazy heatwave we're having (I mean when can I feel what 80 degrees is like again.. I really miss 80 degrees) that my soy flakes for the wax of the candle was going to be a giant melted mess on my door step. Thankfully no such trouble!

Melting some wax

My scents--Lavender

The containers
I was able to pour a candle in the large container, before I had to run out to meet my mom at Wal-Mart. Instead of walking the dam in the 100 degree heat, we opted for air conditioned. I'm surprised we never alerted security as we lapped the building about 5 or 6 times. Ran into Adam from Unleashed in the auto section, and picked up a few essential items we needed at the house.

Instead of cooking for one, I figured I was allotted my cravings--Rush's.  I have a very standard meal there and it goes like this.... 

The best milkshake ever. BEST.

Slaw Dog. Staple of the South. It is. You've not lived until you've had it.
I came back home to doing laundry, pouring more candles, feeding the pooches, researching a few things, and settling in for the night by reading some of the final chapters of my book. Which. That. Book. Is. Driving. Me. Crazy. It's intense, and it has my emotions tied up in it--darn you book! 

Spoke to Stephen for about 40 minutes before we both were too tired to stay up any longer. He's in Charleston today and tomorrow, but will be home tomorrow evening. Sweet dreams.

#105 Hillsong United

Ross and Rebekah at church had asked us Sunday if we wanted to go to see Hillsong United with them this evening. Is that even a question?

After a day at work, we both rushed over to their place, where Rebekah had fixed extras for us to enjoy for dinner before heading out. She made some delicious broccoli which tasted like it took a lot of work--garlic salt, pepper, and oil in the oven till they are cooked. The end. Definitely a new staple in our house.

Ross found us a parking space, and literally we walked to our seats with one minute to spare. We were dead in front of them, and the whole service was amazing. I'm not sure I've been to a concert before where I could really say it was a worship service--not a time just to see some artist you love. They do a phenomenal job making sure this isn't about them, but is about God alone.

After the concert--4 hours later--we headed over to Sonic to quench our thirst. Talking about babies, whether or not Stephen would hire me in his own business, and a lot more, because about an hour and half later we finally headed out to go home.

We don't get to spend much time with these two, so it was a pretty stellar night to catch up in. 

#104 Dinner and a Show

After all our Sunday activities, we planned to head over to my parents for dinner, or at least to socialize. My mom only had one request on what we bring--"Dunkin Donuts Blueberry Doughnut". After making a trip to two different Dunk Donuts, we finally found them.

The lady at the second Dunkin Donuts--she was on her A game. She kept that place stocked--which for some reason is really tough to find around these parts at your local Dunkin. Plus she was funny, friendly, and super engaging--it's tough to find people like that sometimes, and then they pop up in just the most random jobs. And well, it makes getting around this life a bit more fun having people like that!

A night of catching up, seeing how my dad was healing up, and just enjoying a little Brooklyn Nine-Nine together in the den before we were too sleepy to keep going.

So thankful I get to see my parents as often as we do--but sometimes still doesn't feel often enough.

#103 Rainy Day Pool Party

Naturally waking up, even if it's almost 11 in the afternoon, is like the only way to wake up for me. Alarm clocks are my enemy. Deep seated anger for many years. I'm afraid they get the blunt of my anger in the mornings. But this morning, just the sun to wake me up. It completely changes my day.

While Stephen slept in, and I read my book, the humidity was already saturating the air outside. By the time Stephen woke up, we both began working--me inside, and him outside. He moved the cars around, sold some tires, and expanded more of our patio area, which is FINALLY ready for liner and rocks, which means we'll be ready for gravel hopefully by the weekend.

I cleaned up inside, but then managed to dirty up the kitchen again--which happens in like 2 minutes. But thankful it wasn't nearly as big of a mess as it could have been if I hadn't of cleaned before.

We headed out around 6 pm, with cupcakes I'd made--but after I finally exposed my secret to Stephen about how ugly these things looked, we opted on more professional desserts to bring to the party. We arrived at the Summers who had cooked a whole spread for all 30 people that showed up. It was a lot of people in such a small pool, but sometimes being squished together brings you a little closer right?

While we'd had thunderstorms and showers almost all day it seemed, and the worst right before 6:30pm, it cleared up beautifully the entire time we swam, and not until we were out of the pool and cleaning up the house, did it start to drizzle again. God held off the rain for us.

Before we left, we shared prayer requests, making our times together as a college and career more focused and purposeful as we enjoyed Ben's devotion with us as well. 

#102 Rolling Stones

A late morning wake up, even after I crawled out of bed for a cup of iced coffee, I climbed right back in to read some in 2 Corinthians, and delve back into my book again. Morning light barely seeping in as my black out curtains were still pulled shut. A few texts later, and I was making plans with Joanna to go shopping and grab some lunch.

So finally I made it to her place, just a storm began to hit. These summer showers are some of my favorite. With night sky flashing white as heat lightening rambles and raves in the sky above. After the rain stopped, we rolled out, and then spent the next 30 minutes chatting and driving, and also being super stubborn and indecisive about picking a place to eat.We settled on Moe's, and got our Moo Moo Mr. Cow kids meal. Joanna let me rant and vent about the previous nights unfolding. So thankful for friends that know when to listen, and give up their own time to spend it with me. It means the world to have her friendship.

Unfortunately our day was cut short, as Stephen and I had plans to go buy some landscaping rock for the patio. We settled on these suckers, and I hope they'll tie in with the existing stone we have to build the fire pit. Tomorrow we may get started on putting down some lining and the stone edgers to secure it.

Next step gravel!

Also, I ordered some candle making stuff the other day along with my cup holder radio insert--and it's coming Tuesday. I'm kind of stoked to try my hand at this. Here's hoping my candles come out smelling like a lavender bush! 

#101 Tough Love

This afternoon I was asked by Steve to sit in with him and a group of others for a meeting. This day has been one coming, but one that has not been doused with a lot of prayer and heart ache. Sometimes loving someone means getting hurt. It means choosing to, despite that, to still love them. To say and do things in love, even if what you have to do and say is not easy or delightful.

So while it was a tough day, it was I believe the most Godly decision that could be made in light of the situation. And through it all, we'll choose love. We'll choose God's guidance. We'll choose to follow Him even if it takes us down paths that are a bit rocky.

On a lighter note, we ended the night at Buffalo Wild Wings, where I do believe Kristen ordered food that probably is twice her weight. But she said it was so worth it.

Dessert Nachos
And I finally broke down and bought a cup holder that really will honestly serve as more of a place holder for the empty hole where my radio once was in Hank. So here's hoping, even with the bluetooth speaker, this thing will fit in there!

These labels are so lame.

#100 Raise the Roof

Well #100 posts it is! Although, I feel like I skipped a number somewhere--I think I put two days into one post. Anyways...

Another day at work, where I was ready to head home. But not before stopping to collect some more Pokeballs at the SCBC sign--am I becoming that person? The game is a little addicting. A little.

Went for another walk with my mom on the dam. We caught up on my dad and how his surgery went yesterday--which turned out to not be an additional tear in his rotator cuff, but the previous surgery had separated from the thing they'd attached in there. So my dad seemed rather positive that this recovery would go smoothly. I hope so!

We talked about the settlement they are trying to make over their roof. For something that was installed incorrectly, it's insane to me they have to pay a dime towards it, but nonetheless we're here, and hopefully that will be over soon. It's been a constant headache for my parents for months now--about 7 to be exact.

After a night on the couch with Stephen, as I tried to get our hospital bills taken care of and possibly reimbursed (yay!), I took the long walk upstairs to read some more of my book, before Stephen and I fell asleep to our own talking.

#99 Sleep

After coming home this evening, something in me would not let me stay awake. It's like the weeks of lack of sleep have caught up to me. I couldn't sit up straight for long periods, before I laid my head down in Stephen's lap on the couch. We watched Blacklist episodes, and clips from recent hearings with Hilary Clinton and the email scandal--which that whole situation is just absurd to me. I kept getting bits and pieces as I went from awake to comatose.

Good thing this week is super quiet, as we have three whole days of nothing going on in the evening! It is about the weirdest sensation feeling like I need to do something, when there's nothing to do. I managed in my zombie state though to fold laundry, put away laundry and start on the dishes. Stephen was awesome and helped me by unloading dishes and feeding puppies--plus being my strong arms to lift the hamper upstairs. I also came home to him working really hard on making the ground level for a gravel patio, something like this.

I also downloaded Pokemon Go last night, just to see what the fuss is about. I can see how it can be addicting, but tonight I decided to catch a few that were snooping around my neighbors house from the comfort of my bed.

Hanging out at the neighbors.

#98 Blueberry Cobbler

My heart is singing songs right now, because I am pretty sure tonight and the next two nights there are NO plans on the table for my evenings, which means our house can actually be cleaned and I can have a few minutes to myself each night!

Stephen came home with two candles in hand for me. He knows the state of the house, the smell of the house, has been bugging the mess out of me. So very sweetly, he went and bought me some sweet smelling candles to mask the smell--which today actually was much better from having cleaned the carpets with some deodorizer yesterday. This man is so thoughtful where it counts.

So tonight I made dinner, and realized we have our blueberries from this past Saturday and Stephen had requested cobbler. Since you can't have blueberry cobbler without ice cream, Stephen ran to Aldi's and picked up a few items including some good ole vanilla ice cream.

Pre ice cream

So many berries!
It turned out pretty well, but I think for this size pan I really needed a bit more cobbler bits--is that what you call that? Well, a little less blueberry and maybe a bit more breading. But still delicious.

Cooking, especially cooking with food I've gotten from the local market or picked myself, it gives me this longing for my childhood I never thought I'd care for. Where I'd be at Mamma June's (my babysitters/second mamma) and we'd be snapping peas on the couch in the den. Or at my Grandma Jone's house, cutting up fresh garden grown tomatoes, adding a dash of salt and pepper. Or at my mom's house, watching them shuck corn to put away for the year. 

There's this thing where when you're a kid, eating in was not nearly as cool as going out to eat. Well now all we ever do is eat out it seems. So these moments where we never have to leave the house (except for our Aldi's run) but can just enjoy the literal fruits of our labor, it's really enjoyable. You feel accomplished, and somehow that food just tastes like 10x better because of it. 

We watched Zootopia for the first time, thanks to Amber loaning us a copy. It was super cute.

Finished my night by reading more of my book, which like all books I'm finally starting to get wrapped up into their world. It takes time for me to get sucked in to a book, and for the first few chapters I literally could put it down and never pick it up again, and I'd be just fine not knowing how these characters turn out. But once I get past this certain point, if I don't know what happens next, it may just kill me. 

And since reading is not really my thing, I think I've realized I need to read for 2 weeks, and be off of reading for 2 weeks. Keep the cycle going from there. It's like my mind needs a break from one world to the next. I will say though, I think my love for reading is growing--only 27 years late.

#97 Sun-Day, What a Day

This is one of the first Sundays in a while where the day's schedule was packed, that I didn't feel overwhelmed by the idea of it. Honestly while I feel my thoughts have been so much more consumed with the idea of making sure I'm not draining myself with the activities of the day, I keep feeling like God shows up and alleviates that stress and anxiety. He keeps showing more of himself to me through something that feels like a nuisance and a headache, making the bad into good.

So we had a great day filled with faces we love and new ones to meet and get to know. We ventured to church at FBC Lex for LifeGroup with Sarah and Dan. Headed to Oakwood for service, which David challenged us to step up to the plate to serve, as well as using our talents for His glory. Then we went to lunch with the gang at Five Guys. We got to meet Leigh & Grant, as well as Lauren who actually has attended my church since I was a kid and so was she, but our age difference never put us in the same group of people.

Ended the day at Steve's house spending time talking about communication efforts in our college and career. Three hours later, with new tasks to accomplish, I headed home to try and get some much needed alone time after a weekend that has been crazy packed with goodness.

I changed in my pajamas. Cleaned the carpet some (it's been smelling awful from the dogs). Did some laundry. Then relaxed. Read. Recharged.

#96 Blueberry Pickin' Pool Party

Out in Swansea today to hangout with our favorite College and Career group, we managed to pick lots of blueberries and swim to our hearts content.

Jason showing legs.. gasp!

We spent time relaxing, playing ultimate frisbee (well they did), eating, and having a devotional.

Listening to Luke's devotion
Before the day ended, Stephen and I met up with Phil & Amber and Phillip & Makayla to see The Secret Life of Pets, which was amazingly pretty funny and had some adult level humor, although not inappropriate humor. We checked out Phillips new fish tank and spent time in prayer as well as discussion about anything from politics to religion to friends.

#95 Cantina 76 & Wiz's

This Friday filled up fast--just one of those days where I feel like I'm running from sun-up to sun-down. Although, when it's filled with familiar faces, the running around doesn't seem like too much work.

After getting my flat tire fixed, and feeling like my service guy stepped out of the Jersey Shore, I drove over to Columbia to meet Kayla for lunch.

Shhh. I snuck a photo.

To both our surprise, there are two Cantina 76's, so glad she told me which one she was going to cause we definitely would have ended up at two separate tables and two separate restaurants. We managed to also find a nearby cupcake shop and do some much needed shopping and gabbing while exploring The Mast General Store.

I headed home for about an hour nap, before Stephen and I went to Wiz's to meet with Chelsea and Nick. We closed down the restaurant, as we caught up on the past few months of each other's lives. While at times you wonder why some friends seem to come and go out of your life, its nice when its so easy to pick back up right where you left off, like no time has passed at all.

How did we get blessed with such amazing people to share our lives with? 

#94 Kimmie

Before coming to church, I got a Snapchat message from Kimmie asking if I was going to be at service. It's literally been months since I've gotten to see her, and I was so happy that she finally came last night. I sat with her all night in hopes we'd get a chance to catch up--but I ended up cleaning up the kitchen with Sarah and missed Kimmie heading home.

Just making the craziest hat ever.
Tonight was kind of the night of God's reassurement of his scripture in Galatians 6:9--"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." While I don't know that my harvest was reaped necessarily, I know God was reassuring me that I shouldn't grow weary in doing what God has called. 

This week it was feeling like reaching out to others was returning void, and my doubt leaves me wondering What did I do wrong? Do they hate me? Are they sick of me?  Yeah I'm one of those people.

But as soon as I heard from Kimmie, and as soon as I walked through the doors to Unleashed tonight--I was reminded those small acts didn't go unnoticed. Definitely God reassuring me to keep on!

#93 Quiet Nights & Scorch Trials

Life lately has felt a bit of a whirlwind, and I constantly feel like I'm evaluating where my energy lies on the scale of exhausted and energized. So days where I really don't have anything going on, and I don't have to feel compelled to do anything, well that energy level begins to sky rocket.

We stayed in tonight, and finished up the movies Nicole had loaned us from The Maze Runner series. The Scorch Trials was definitely an entertaining movie, not quite as good as the first. The allure and mystery had dissipated in this one.

God knows when to bring the quiet days, and they are so appreciated.

#92 Setting Suns and Turning Pages

Back to the grind today after a long weekend. Only plus, we have a short work week too!

Sometimes these days I have "off" from ministry, obligations, scheduled dinners, etc. are some of the most "boring on paper" days, but to me the best days. While I don't get to enjoy spending time with family and friends, I do get to spend time with Stephen in mundane moments--which are far from mundane.

Tonight we headed to Subway for dinner--one of the few things not upsetting Stephen's stomach right now. Came back home, and watched American Ninja Warrior before my mom came to pick me up to walk the dam. We talked about how there never seems to be a bad sunset here. People scattered along the dam, sitting, standing. People with their truck tailgate down, using it as a bench, backed up to face the setting sun. All watching. All taking it in. Sitting in the silence of God's majesty.

We walked till it was completely dark, one of the few times I've realized how nervous I get approaching complete strangers in the dark. But one by one, we passed a smiling face--no threat to be found.

Back home, Stephen and I watched more of American Ninja Warrior until my eyes were too heavy to keep open. I ventured upstairs before Stephen, soaking in a few minutes of On Folly Beach. Seriously it's been two weeks since I picked the book up--so don't get the wrong idea out of me, that I'm some sort of real reader or anything.

Stephen and I talked for a bit before I fell asleep at his words.

Again it's these forgotten moments that comprise my life and make it all worth while at the same time.

#91 A Happy Fourth

After a long night we slept in till about 1pm. I haven't done that since college. It was so nice--thank goodness for black out curtains--but at the same time so weird. It's hard to not think I'm missing the whole day if I sleep in that late. But nonetheless, glorious and made me semi functional today.

We laid around the house until around 4:30pm when we rushed over to my parents for an Independence Day celebration with them and the Joiners. We enjoyed bbq, corn, beans, and deviled eggs. As well as some peach cobbler with icecream to end the day.

Even though I was half awake, these kind of simple moments are becoming more and more cherished in my heart. It's the small things.

I'll leave you with a shot from the other night, but we also got to enjoy a smaller view of this out our window tonight as neighbors shot off a firework display right outside our house in the culdesac, and we began dozing off to the NY 4th celebration over the Hudson River.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

#90 Stone Mountain Adventure

We headed out after lunch with the church crew today to begin our trek to Stone Mountain Park, GA for their Laser Show and Firework Display for the 4th. After 3 hours of driving, we finally arrived to the park, and quickly realized how much of a theme park type place this was.

Snapchat car rides
Scary car rides.

Different areas to do activities, shops and restaurants, chair lift rides to the top of the mountain, and a full size train that wraps the entire perimeter of the mountain. We got caught in a tsunami of a rain storm right as we were walking in. All the girls tried to huddle themselves under Lydia's blanket, which resulted in a 50 lb saturated blanket full of rain and a bunch of wet people. These are the moments that burn memories in your mind right? :)

Since we couldn't find any decent places to eat outside of the park, we did our best to try and find some grub before the show. Which resulted in bellies filled with funnel cakes, twisted corn dogs, and burgers.

Diego and Stephanie

Picnic spot in the funnel cake shop.

Stephen located a spot for us on the Laser Show Lawn, which his directions were so magical you couldn't help but recite them as if you were Buddy the Elf explaining how he made it from the North Pole to New York.
Come to Candy Mtn Charlie!

We camped out down right near the center ofthe lawn, and your whole view was filled with the mountain and sky. The show itself was nothing short of amazing. I'll have to figure a way to get some videos posted, because my phone died right before all this.
A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We didn't end up making it home tonight until about 5am, but every single one of us found every moment of it completely worth it.

#89 Dreher Island Fireworks

This morning I walked the Dam with my mom--we about died. Never again will we walk in 90 degree heat early in the morning. Bodies are not cut out for that kind of insanity.

The rest of the day I cleaned up myself and the house. This house finally feels livable again. Layers of dog fur later, and I can see my floor again! I feel normal now too, as one of my favorite bloggers showed her beautiful immaculate home covered in St. Bernard hair before she vacuums. So glad I'm not the only one living like this.

Round of Ultimate Frisbee

Sarah keeping me cool.

Fireworks over the Lake

Then ventured out to Dreher Island State Park on Lake Murray for the Firework Show with some College and Career peeps, which was needless to say amazing! 

#88 Surprise Date

Tuesday I asked Stephen if we could go out on a date today. It's been an adjustment to this new little life we've been living lately, and feeling like we barely have time for each other--even in the house. So he sweetly obliged, and managed to go way overboard in such a good way.

Stephen walked in the door with flowers in hand.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We then headed out to go eat. Stephen drove all over town, trying to throw me off the scent, till we finally arrived at The Root Cellar, a new joint in town. The food was really great, definitely worth another trip back at some point.

Not having a clue where we were headed next, Stephen tosses me a pair of socks. We drive up Hwy 1, making a sharp turn near the church, and I'm assuming we're headed to Kona Ice or something, but we whipped into Skate Station USA. I have not been here since I was about 14 or so--when the song "I'm Blue" was popular.

We tested our limits on the skating rink, somehow managing to regain our once lost ability to roller skate. Not sure if this will show, but you can get a taste for my monkey limp arms as we rolled around the rink and as Stephen almost fell.

We people watched, and got to watch "Johnny Crashing" jamming the night away in the center rink as he smoothly skated across the floor. This was HIS dance floor. We sat talking wondering if anyone in his life knew about his skating habits, or if this was a secret love, and he "Walked the Line" between his true love and his life. His black clothing concealing him quicker and quicker as he skated away into the night.

Okay, back to real life. After that we headed home to watch The Maze Runner, and ate Reese's Pie while we did so. It was really an incredible, and sweet date. This hubby of mine can really pull out the stops.

#87 Calming Anxiety

I feel like my Thursday night anxiety is slowly starting to subside. For a while there it really was propelled by a particular individual causing a lot of hostility in the group. Then for a while large crowds were a bit overwhelming. Then it was having to lead our small group. But the Lord is slowly reminding me there isn't anything I have to do to make this whole thing work, other than being obedient. So where I feel like I royally suck at handling certain people's attitudes or leading our small group, being obedient in the task means God shows up. God uses those shortcomings and makes some good of it. Plus knowing I need to be available to what God may have in store those evenings, whether it be to be an encouragement to someone, to show friendship to another, have words of wisdom to speak into someone's life, or to be there to simply be challenged by the Word--God uses those things and needs me to be present to do so.

It's peaceful feeling at ease again on Thursdays. Before the night was over, Sarah and I spent some time cleaning the kitchen. She's got such a servants heart, and her doing what she does best allows others to do what they do best. God's body working together.

We headed out afterwards to IHOP. Spending time talking with one another and fellowshipping into the wee hours of the night.