#101 Tough Love

8:19 PM

This afternoon I was asked by Steve to sit in with him and a group of others for a meeting. This day has been one coming, but one that has not been doused with a lot of prayer and heart ache. Sometimes loving someone means getting hurt. It means choosing to, despite that, to still love them. To say and do things in love, even if what you have to do and say is not easy or delightful.

So while it was a tough day, it was I believe the most Godly decision that could be made in light of the situation. And through it all, we'll choose love. We'll choose God's guidance. We'll choose to follow Him even if it takes us down paths that are a bit rocky.

On a lighter note, we ended the night at Buffalo Wild Wings, where I do believe Kristen ordered food that probably is twice her weight. But she said it was so worth it.

Dessert Nachos
And I finally broke down and bought a cup holder that really will honestly serve as more of a place holder for the empty hole where my radio once was in Hank. So here's hoping, even with the bluetooth speaker, this thing will fit in there!

These labels are so lame.

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