#106 The Boys AREN'T Back in Town

4:58 AM

Tonight, I was able to enjoy the peace of a quiet and empty house. Sort of. There's always that element of "my chances of being killed tonight just rose 200%", and it doesn't help when the dog starts his freaked out barking at 6 in the afternoon--like "They are already trying to murder me? This early? These murderers waste no time."

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I knew headed home that my candle materials had arrived, and somewhere in my mind I was super worried this crazy heatwave we're having (I mean when can I feel what 80 degrees is like again.. I really miss 80 degrees) that my soy flakes for the wax of the candle was going to be a giant melted mess on my door step. Thankfully no such trouble!

Melting some wax

My scents--Lavender

The containers
I was able to pour a candle in the large container, before I had to run out to meet my mom at Wal-Mart. Instead of walking the dam in the 100 degree heat, we opted for air conditioned. I'm surprised we never alerted security as we lapped the building about 5 or 6 times. Ran into Adam from Unleashed in the auto section, and picked up a few essential items we needed at the house.

Instead of cooking for one, I figured I was allotted my cravings--Rush's.  I have a very standard meal there and it goes like this.... 

The best milkshake ever. BEST.

Slaw Dog. Staple of the South. It is. You've not lived until you've had it.
I came back home to doing laundry, pouring more candles, feeding the pooches, researching a few things, and settling in for the night by reading some of the final chapters of my book. Which. That. Book. Is. Driving. Me. Crazy. It's intense, and it has my emotions tied up in it--darn you book! 

Spoke to Stephen for about 40 minutes before we both were too tired to stay up any longer. He's in Charleston today and tomorrow, but will be home tomorrow evening. Sweet dreams.

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