#114 Where Discipleship Begins & Drinks Have a Place

4:47 AM

Lamest title, but I really have no idea what to call this one.

My biggest drama of the day--and I guess does not fall in line with mentioning something good every day so bear with me--was some mix ups with shirt printing for camp. First, I forgot to get approval on the shirt, which it's a great shirt and simple. So thankfully Laurie wasn't too upset by me forgetting to check with her, but it'll teach me not to do that again! Second, we had to order a different colored youth shirt than the adult. The adult was in a minty green with charcoal writing, really pretty. For the youth shirt we went with electric blue. Well the end result was rather hilarious--if well we hadn't paid for these. But nonetheless, it's still hilarious.

Online Color Example, Art Approval Mock Up, Actual Product Result
How is that shirt Electric Blue? And the writing is practically gone. Oh well. I think they'll see there was an error on their part for either one not communicating the text and shirt would blend together, or that the shirt is not actually Electric Blue... cause HOW is that Electric Blue?

Tonight I got to spend about an hour and a half with Amber on the phone. She asked me to disciple her back in February, and other than being there when she needs me, help trying to navigate and point her to God when she's going through things--I feel like I'm floundering a bit figuring out what to do. So anyways, why not just talk and see where the Lord takes it right? While we spent a lot of time just catching up, we had a few good talks about things that had taken place in Unleashed, how God used her trip to the Ark Encounter, some of the future of Unleashed and her part in it--so I hope it's the beginning to something good. Just pray I'm faithful in this to God, and that it benefits Amber somehow in some way.

I also got in my cup holder today. Honestly I knew based on the reviews this would be just a filler for the empty hole that's been in my dashboard from where the old radio used to be. When we got Hank the previous owner had replaced the stereo/radio with a new one--touch display and can play movies. As seen in my post the other day about watching the movie in the Jeep.

So the cup holder fits, as in like just barely fills up that hole. And there is no radio frame box still in there, so it kind of just floats around in the dash. But for now it fills a hole--even if it'll never hold a cup!

The drawers say "Free Box" and "Drink Holder" Haha.

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