#107 Adoption

5:43 AM

So one of the things Stephen and I have discussed for a while is that we both feel adoption will be in our future. It's one of those things it scares me to think about, but on the other hand also gets me super excited and overwhelmed with joy at the thought of having this little person be in our lives, and just be a living demonstration of the kind of love the Father has for His children. But let's slow down for a second, because Stephen and I still aren't even ready yet for kids as a whole, much less the adoption train. Although, God keeps sharing real life stories with me of adoption. He keeps molding my heart in this moment to prepare for that future moment. One of those stories is from the House of Rose blog.

This is a blog I stumbled on a few years ago, mainly because she was decorating some of her rooms and I really liked her style. Mandy Rose's way of speaking through her blog was honest enough, real enough that it kept me tuned in, even when she began talking about how to raise 3 boys (completely irrelevant to my life right now) and feeling like a crummy mom at times. I just loved she wasn't afraid to share the messy stuff in her life, which I realize the older I get the more difficult it is to do that with people. So I have followed her journey, including their 3 year journey to adoption.

With 3 boys, all under the age of 10, you wouldn't think that another child, much less an adopted child would really be on their radar. But yet God placed a burden on Mandy's heart that "now was the time" and so they began pursuing an adoption from the Philippines, where her husband's family is from. PS. He looks like the Rock.

About 2-3 weeks ago, they got the call. They could come get their daughter.

Since that call came, I've been a little obsessed with their story. Seeing them meet her, seeing them visit where she has lived the past 18 months of her life, seeing her come home with them, seeing her adjust to her life with her 3 new brothers, and in the midst of all of this change, God's hand has been ever present. He's demonstrated his magnificence and power, and how even a God that big can be in the smallest of details.

I keep thinking, 3 years ago that little girl wasn't even being formed in her mother's womb. 3 years ago, only God knew her and that she would one day fill the void in this Rose family like she does. So He sparked a fire in Mandy's heart to pursue adoption, and 3 years later, their 18 month old daughter is now at home with them--happy as can be.

Just a few recaps of the amazingness of this story:

Parker's Dream

Friend's with the same vision

Her children's love for their unknown sibling

Her Name

Meeting their Daughter

There's a few more things in between, but those are some biggies, especially Her Name. Please read that. The tears, so many tears.

So now I stay glued to her Instagram page, for moments like this...

It's like I didn't know I could have so much joy for a complete stranger and her little girl. But nonetheless, here I am boo-hooing over Instagram posts.

So one day, but for now I'll let my heart chase after the things it loves hearing and reading--adoption stories. Because I know God is preparing us for something, just when only He knows.

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