#94 Kimmie

5:30 AM

Before coming to church, I got a Snapchat message from Kimmie asking if I was going to be at service. It's literally been months since I've gotten to see her, and I was so happy that she finally came last night. I sat with her all night in hopes we'd get a chance to catch up--but I ended up cleaning up the kitchen with Sarah and missed Kimmie heading home.

Just making the craziest hat ever.
Tonight was kind of the night of God's reassurement of his scripture in Galatians 6:9--"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." While I don't know that my harvest was reaped necessarily, I know God was reassuring me that I shouldn't grow weary in doing what God has called. 

This week it was feeling like reaching out to others was returning void, and my doubt leaves me wondering What did I do wrong? Do they hate me? Are they sick of me?  Yeah I'm one of those people.

But as soon as I heard from Kimmie, and as soon as I walked through the doors to Unleashed tonight--I was reminded those small acts didn't go unnoticed. Definitely God reassuring me to keep on!

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