#175 Night Time Rambles

2:30 PM

Today I'm thankful for my sweet friend Jenn who is literally the only soul who I think reads this thing, but for not just reading but for reaching out and loving me through difficult situations. You have no idea how much your friendship means to me, and your card you made me forever ago still rings true today--"You're the water to my church!" Bahahaha. I hope you remember what that is.

After a day in the office, I came home and made pizza. I quickly tossed some ingredients together to make some brownies, and realized all my right sized pans were dirty and elsewhere. So I tried my hand at putting it in a larger pan, without the extra ingredients to make up for the extra space. Pizza was done in time for me to eat, and a few of Stephen's Bible study guys to start showing up--but no Stephen yet.

Work once again had tied him up so badly he was still at work loading tires onto a truck, and barely made it home in time to change, eat, and sit down to have Bible study. My mom showed up to pick me up for our afternoon walk across the dam, so I scooted out as Stephen changed upstairs and a den full of guys began to appear.

While we didn't walk for long, we saw the sun go down just as quickly as we got there, and we ended up walking back in the dark. As we pulled back into my neighborhood, I finally shared my burdens from the week with my mom.

It's funny, when you're a kid, your parents fix everything. Even if they never really did, you think they did, because everything eventually passes or fixes itself. And just as I'm learning from scripture, there is that childlike trust that your parents have and always will take care of you, and that means take care of everything--just like I hope to have for God.

Now being grown up I can see when my mom doesn't quite know the answer--I mean none of us know every answer. I can see now how she's just like me--just doing her best for her kid. Wait, I don't have a kid. Okay but just doing her best. Somehow, while I can see that my mom doesn't have an answer, I'm reassured.

I came home to find the brownies had been saved from the oven, I accidently left it in the oven when I scooted out the door with my mom, and they were pretty much brownie crackers. Super thin. Little crispy. Extra chewy.

I enjoyed the last few minutes of the guys being in the house, as they tried to kill flies with our electric fly swatter and then attempted to taze one another as well. Boys.

Something That Made You Cry Recently | Anything Funny, Happy, Memory, Sad, etc.

Myself. Not in a good way. I'm hormonal--not pregnant. I am also a little anxiety ridden which tends to mean that I think the worst thoughts at times and worry excessively. I finally broke down with Stephen tonight about how I'm feeling. How I felt I let him down. Hurt him by not wanting to participate in things. And while they were sad tears, this man knows how to turn hurts into happiness. All is well in the world.

God is good to put that man in my life.

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