#189 Mission Projects

6:49 AM

Today the girls enjoyed a few conferences with different leaders as well as our missionaries for the weekend.

The Haneys, Anissa and Eric, those kids are talented. Okay they are older than me, but still. Sometimes you wonder what is that one thing you're really good at, for them it's like a million things. While I don't think this video does the best representation of how great they are, I think it gives you an idea of what they are capable of.

They lead us in worship all weekend, as well as speaking about their ministry in Sweden. 

This afternoon though, our girls got to participate in their mission action and support projects. It was so cool to see the photos flood in of all these teen girls praying with people, playing with kids, spending time with the elderly, and more as they chose to go out with the message of Christ to impact the area of Myrtle Beach.

Frisbee ministry with people on the beach
The evening was spent in worship again, kind of summarizing the weekend with the girls, and asking them to commit themselves to God's calling and will. They each had collected shells on the beach today, and brought them back to the worship service. They brought each of their shells to the foot of the cross, symbolizing their burdens and hang ups that they could lay at Christ's feet, as well as surrendering to his will.

This weekend I got to spend a lot of time with a couple of girls from the NC summer staff at Camp Mundo Vista. Cassie was amazing, stepping in and helping with technology stuff just when I needed her. She's confident, engaging, and so sweet to everyone she meets. She's instantly your best friend, and you feel like you've known her for a life time. So thankful for her friendship this weekend.

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