#253 Egyptian Rapture

Today was productive and insightful at work. I got to meet with Melanie and Lara Gopp in reference to some marketing and PR ideas. Lara used to work for SCBC over a decade ago, and continues to do contract work for them as well as us. She gave me so many great ideas and things to think on, it's got my head spinning. 

Came home beneath a stormy sky that held all sorts of possibilities for a thunderstorm, but not even a drop fell unfortunately. I love me a good storm.

With the backdoor open, Stephen working on the parts car in the backyard, and I in kitchen making a bacon, caramelized onion, and spinach pizza, it was a pretty stellar night. One cup of coffee later, and a couple of Egyptian Rapture games (which I won two of) and the night is almost done.

#252 When Calls the Heart

So this is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know that it's a super cheesy show. It kind of embodies the qualities of a good Hallmark movie. Although, this show also highlights things of God, is super clean, and at least makes me feel good at the end of it all.

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When Calls the Heart is into it's fourth season, and since I've never had the Hallmark channel, I'm behind on season 2 still. Thankfully with the fourth season starting to air, that means Netflix got the third season, so all is well in the world. Now I get to enjoy all the cheesy, sappy, goodness I want for at least 12 episodes or so. 

I'm already down two episodes. Eeek.

#251 Sand Man

Wasted my early start to the day in the parking lot at work taking selfies of myself, questioning all the things. Okay one thing.

My day back at work was pretty uneventful. Tried working on some website stuff for SC WMU, and managed to get ridiculously stumped as to what to do with it. Thankfully I know a few people that know a thing or two about website redesign, as well as just marketing in general. Helped me realize I was jumping the gun, so I've got some time to figure out some minor details, and a little less time to figure out the big details. Thankfully big is obvious.

After I came home, I fixed dinner for Stephen and I, which turned out pretty good and tasty. We then sat on the couch wondering what to do next, and managed to fall asleep pretty quickly.

I kind of hate falling asleep so early in the night, but I'm now wide awake at midnight not feeling an ounce of that sleepiness anymore. Of course.

#250 Galentine's Day Continued

Was really hoping we'd get to see Jenn today, but sometimes life throws you a monkey wrench and you gotta swing with it. So the college buds and I managed today in light of, and compromised on a halfway between meet up in Newberry. What's in Newberry you ask? Not much. Although we did manage to find a few places that are forever on our hit list if we decide to venture here again. It may officially become our meet up point for a quick day together. At just 40 minutes away, it makes the trek seem so easy.

So we hung out at Flying Pie for lunch. Kayla and I had their crab cake grits combo, while Heather was good with her salad. Everything was okay, not phenomenal, although their cal zone appetizer was amazing. We then headed to their wine and coffee bar, where I grabbed a to go cup of "7th Heaven" and we sat on a street park bench catching up on life and watching a newly engaged couple with their newly adopted dog try to navigate engagement photos together.

We then walked toward the center square, yep it's small enough of a town to still have one of those, and ran into the local market, called Figaro. Such a cute little old timey meat and cheese market, but also had delectable desserts and drinks.

Figaro Market

We chose a tiny table in the sunlight, and snacked on chocolate covered espresso beans, chocolate ginoche cake, and Italian lemon cake. We finished walking the town square after a bit and found a good photo opt under some string lit trees.

I was sure lucky to find the friends I did in college. Friends I will never let go of.

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#249 Soda City Jewelry

This morning I woke up at the crack of dawn, okay not really, but on Saturday 8 am feels like the crack of dawn, to head to Soda City with my HS buddy Tori. We managed to snag some really good stuff, get some yummy foods, eat lunch at Cantina 76, and then enjoyed Starbucks and a movie back at my house until 3pm or so this afternoon. It was a much needed day with her, as well as a good out of the norm adventure for us two.

This evening though I headed out with Stephen on a shoe hunt. He's been in dire need of new shoes for a while now. He's worked holes into all his shoes just about, and when it rains his poor socks get all wet and soggy. We actually managed to get him 4 pairs of shoes for less than $90, and I hope htey serve him well for a while!

Can you tell when I really just don't feel like having to type one of these entries? Ha. But I'm thankful for the reminder of good days, and that thought alone keeps me pressing forward.

#248 Galentine's Day

Anyone else watch Park and Recreation? Well you should if you shouldn't, and to catch you up to speed watch this...

While tonight didn't start out as officially Galentine's Day, it definitely ended that way. We may not have had breakfast food, but we did enjoy San Jose together. Although we did thoroughly enjoy friendship, and girl friendship at that. We rushed back to my house for a "quick" game of Redneck Life, but because Anna made a detour at Starbucks on the way back, she made all of us want some, so we ran out to grab a cup of joe before we began our adventure into Redneck Life.

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Another epic night, and officially my first Galentine's Day.

#247 New Faces

Over the course of the past few months, we've had a lot of new faces at Unleashed. Tonight was no different. In fact Chad did an awesome job at Buffalo Wild Wings of inviting Megan our waitress. She was super friendly and seemed really interested in coming sometime soon--genuinely interested, not just being nice interested. So really hoping I hear from her this week and she can join us on Thursday.

#246 Millennials

This one is a long one, so I'm going to preface it with a good thing of the day...

Judy our website person at work, complimented me profusely today on the work I did with our Camp La Vida website. She set up a structure for me, and I developed content and design to the website. So now we're looking at completing the SC WMU and Janie Chapman website soon, and her and Laurie's confidence in me gives me the confidence I need. Laurie even said she didn't realize what an asset they were hiring when the asked me on, but the talents and abilities I've been able to pour into our organization has been greatly beneficial. Wow. On days where I wonder why I'm still there, that keeps me going a bit longer.

Stephen's mom, Jan, shared a really interesting article today on the Millennial generation and the church. I think there is this initial reaction to something like this article, that points out the flaws and shortcomings churches have as a whole towards the Millennial generation, that makes a church want to get up in arms and be defensive to such claims.

So take a deep breath. One more.

Even as a Millennial myself (which I didn't think I was but according to Wikipedia I was wrong), I'm one of the few that have stuck it out in my church, so there's a bit of pride and offense in discrediting the work of the church I've devoted so much of my life to. Doesn't help I work for a religious organization either, one that works to help support these churches that are doing such a horrendous job apparently at reaching Millennials. But the truth is, I know it is true.

See I've been living this disconnect between the church and Millennials for quite a few years now. In fact we're one of the few college and career groups in the greater Lexington area that is actually successful and growing. We've seen the huge need there is for a community and place to actually fit in within a church setting. We also get the inside view to the struggles we still face even as a successful college and career group, and the push-back we get from the church. Something I've tried to deny for a long time exists, but I think Steve has seen all along.

In fact he's been our advocate for this demographic. I cannot express how blessed we are to have a man of God, who serves as faithfully as he has for so many years, not only invest in us, but rally and fight for us to be recognized as a worthwhile generation. He's seen the things in us we didn't know were there. He's poked and prodded us into becoming leaders, when we still thought we were kids. He's challenged us to think outside of ourselves, and look for ways to reach beyond our four walls.

While the church tells us we've yet to contribute anything of value, Steve reminded us we had. He fought for us to have the respect we'd earned, and I can say now more than ever our church has begun to see us an asset. If it were not for Steve's discipleship and leadership, I'm not sure we'd be here though.

Because while now we can almost function without his guidance (signs of a true disciple maker, am I right?), when we left our youth groups that was not the case. In fact, as youth we're catered to, invested in, served, and treated as children. Then, BAM, you're an adult now. You're expected to invest in others, serve others, and be leaders. Things you've never really been taught, just things you've watched others do for you. And while somewhere in me it seems then that should have been our training, it wasn't. We watched, but were never taught.

So to me there has been a failure in discipleship in the church. It's created a culture where there is a lack of respect between the church and Millennials. So in that I think the article I shared in the beginning makes some valid points.

One, the world is not really going to change unless you choose to do something about it. Yes things may be worse than they once were, but adapt and try to change the culture instead of blaming it. Adapting means you actually have to listen to what the current generation needs and wants. Two, you actually have to live what you preach. It means you can't keep revamping a mission statement to redirect your attention to. It means you actually have to help the poor as we have been commanded. It means you actually have to be transparent with people and accepting of who they currently are. Three, live out one of the commands you have been given as a disciple of Christ and make other disciples. Live life with people, transparently and openly, and guide others into a life that resembles and reflects Christ. It means you actually have to be willing to be a servant, give up your seat, and not be exclusive but be inclusive. Show others the value they have in Christ.

Maybe a few points they made have a few flaws, but overall pretty on point.

#245 Valentine's Day

About the time I was leaving work, I got a call from Stephen telling me to hold off coming home on time. He had a plan, and he needed to get it fleshed out before I walked through the door.

So I made a quick trip to Walmart to grab a couple things for Stephen, yeah I'm that last minute wife, and headed home around 6:15pm on Stephen's bidding.

I came home to flats of flowers sitting on my previously dried up mums's planter from past November. Pretty, pretty purple pansies that ended up matching my handsome hubby's shirt. I could see more things awaiting me inside through the front windows, and I walked in to flowers spread out everywhere around the house. All of the tall stems sprouting up from my collected soda bottles made the house feel like I was walking through a flowering forest.

Stephen gave me a couple minutes to get ready, and we quickly headed out the door to Camon's Sushi restaurant in downtown Columbia, managing to snag a table right before the rush of Valentine's dates flooded in.

We enjoyed a fun night talking about everything under the sun, eating way too much sushi, and finishing off the night with grocery store bought deserts and John Wick.

I did manage to trim down my flowers too before bedtime, and it was a simply perfect evening with a simply perfect Valentine.

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#244 Answered Prayers

Throughout my life there are obviously many things I have prayed for. Things I've seen God answer clearly; like when I prayed for what seemed like almost 10 years that I would just have an understanding of why my dad was not willing to go to church or have a relationship with God, and so around age 17 or so we finally got to talk about it. Not only that, but the secret prayer of mine that God would reconcile my father to Himself was answered just a year or so ago. 

Other times, God has answered in the way I least expect. I think of boyfriends, specifically one boyfriend I thought was my "mate". It was tough times trying to pry myself away from a relationship that was honestly manipulative and damaging more than anything, but in that moment my answer to prayer would have been us together forever. I look back and laugh because God gave me my answer of a husband in Stephen, who far exceeds the things I could have imagined to ask God for. 

Then there are times I've prayed and God doesn't answer. I think He's still yet to write those pages of my life, and so I have to be still and wait.

But today I want to remember the little things that God answers, because I forget those most of all. The times I pray or ask others to pray, and when they are answered, I barely acknowledge they were. Instead I treat them like it would have always just happened, and that the prayers offered to God were nothing more than words and had no impact on the events that occurred. I don't want to be that person. I do want to remember God even in the small things. 

Today was a continuation of that tough day last week that Stephen had, and so I called on multiple people for prayer over him. I asked that he would have peace, he would focus on the things he needed to, and that the auditors that had decided to grace Stephen's center with their presence would be kind.

So God answered just that. So thankful for so many people who care and love on my husband like they do. Not only do they obediently pray, but they follow up, they keep praying, and they checked in on him to make sure he was doing well. 

So when Kayla asked me later this evening how Stephen was doing, I realized God had shown up in that moment. When I got home Stephen was actually in good spirits. While I could tell he wasn't 100% himself, he kept reiterating he'd done all he could, and the situation was what it was at this point. He seemed to have this peace in the midst of the storm that didn't quite make sense, especially in light of last week. 

He told me how last week he'd accomplished a lot of things he needed to catch up on for the audit, and he had some things earlier this morning that he was able to accomplish as well. So while not every "I" is dotted and "T" is crossed, he was able to stay focused on his tasks at work and get even more accomplished today.

When the auditors walked in, Stephen was pretty frank with them and told them they were the last people he wanted to see today. He mentioned there were some things they'd really gotten behind on because they were so short handed, and so he knew it was going to be a tough road for them as they began their audit. One of the auditors quickly responded that it wasn't going to be that bad, and overall just seemed very reassuring. And the icing on the cake, Stephen's regional manager Dan has been overall supportive of him throughout this incident. Even in light of last week, Dan is in Stephen's court, and that's what Stephen needs most right now.

God is good! Even when we fail to see it, He is faithful and hears our cries.

#243 Redneck Life

Today was the second week we've tried grabbing food to go after service, and bringing it back to church to enjoy eating together--rather than taking up an entire restaurant with people complaining about where we're eating and us being a nuisance.

And it worked. We grabbed Subway and Sonic along with Rachel and Sarah, and came back to church to enjoy eating with everyone. Pretty quickly everyone began playing Redneck Life, which is still proving to be the most hilarious game.

Since it managed to last about 3 hours, due to the redneck lingo and story telling going on by the players, we had to carry it outside so the church could use the room we were in.

Which meant everyone had to "HOLD IT" when the wind picked up, but it didn't mean a few Check N Scams didn't have to be chased down in the parking lot.

Managed to not get Caroline who is next to Joel... :( 
Caroline came out victorious, but not nearly as victorious as Amber did last time. Amber's win will go down in history.

Afterwards, Stephen, Matt and I went to Kmart and Goodwill. I found some baskets I'd seen at another Goodwill a while ago and missed, and Matt found a $10 Jos A Bank suit. It was a win. But I'm still thinking about a couple of other finds I found....

$20 floor lamp.. needs new shade though.

$75 leather seat... uh yeah.

#242 Missed Friends

Unfortunately today I did not see Jenn like planned. So instead the day consisted of a lot of cleaning. A lot. Not sure that was a trade off I wanted.

So thankfully though, the Christmas tree is gone, the floors are clean, the laundry is done, the laundry is put away, the dishes are done, the bed has clean sheets, my jewelry got organized, Christmas is put away, and I'm just going to be etc. on here cause I feel like there are things I'm missing.

But I did watch a lot of Supernatural in between. Even rented a movie later tonight, Sully, as well as getting Rush's take out and a coffee from Starbucks. #TreatYourself

Got a call from Lydia and Stephanie that they were bored. So they came over, but I may have just made them more bored. Or at least ridiculously tired. 

#241 Days Off

Fridays. You are so good to me.

Subway with my parents after sleeping in a bit.

2 hours later, I stopped by Goodwill (no luck) and World Market (lots of luck).

Bought earrings and a necklace at World Market.

Muted gold earrings. 

Hubby came home. We went to McAllisters. 

We watched shows.

The end.

Not sure why I felt to write this post this way. But it was a simple good day.

#240 Grace

Today was one filled with a bit of anxiety. No matter how hard I try, my fear of speaking in front of people always seems to win out. Even though, after every time I finish, I feel good. I feel accomplished. Even in the midst of speaking, I can feel in that moment, "This isn't as bad as I thought. Actually it's going pretty well." Nonetheless my fear wins out prior to me speaking. Every. Time.

So I'd told Daniel Atkins a couple days ago that I was willing to give a testimony of something God has recently taught me in my life, or my testimony of salvation during our Thursday night Worship Service. Mainly because while my fear was winning, I knew God could still be desiring me to step up and have courage in this moment. So I told Daniel I'd pray about it. I did as soon as I told him that. Then I asked what would it be that God would have me share that he's taught me recently.

And the words poured out of me so quickly. Before I knew it I'd written two pages on the verse 2 Corinthians 12:9.

This verse has become my life verse.

When I was a kid it was a verse I learned in Bible Drill. Is that just a Southern Baptist thing? You have to memorize scripture, references, and books of the Bible, and find them all in 10 seconds or less. This was a verse I had to memorize. When I was a kid though, it didn't make a whole lot of sense. Probably due to the fact we learned everything in KJV, and it's a bunch of large words no kid really understands.

But later on, about the time Unleashed began at Oakwood, this verse began to stand out to me again. In fact during my new hire interview at WMU (where I currently work) to introduce me to our SC churches, I mentioned it was my favorite verse. Since then it keeps just finding it's way into my life. But instead of something I've felt like I've embodied, it's almost been this challenge from God.

Including finding it on this sticker from one of my favorite little shops on Instagram, and of course I bought myself one. But I treasure it so much, I can't figure out where to stick it. It's a $1 sticker. I need to get over myself.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Where I'd failed to embody this verse was in the "boasting in my weaknesses". Not just any weakness, but the ones where God filled in the gaps. The one where His grace was sufficient. Instead, I've lived behind this mask of perfection. I don't remember putting it on intentionally, but I realized I've been wearing it for a long time when a few months ago a friend said, "you just always seem like you have it together."  Uh no.

A few months later, I realized that mask was still on when we had a room full of people share the things God had helped them overcome one night at Unleashed. My pride was winning and I couldn't dare speak the awful things I'd done--even if God had released me from them.

So this was my moment. My moment to boast. God has pulled me out of an addiction to pornography, for almost half my life, and given me the strength where I have none. The times I'd tried to fix this, and rely on my own strength, I failed. I failed miserably. God had pulled me out of this once before, but I became prideful and sinful, and all those desires and addictions came back stronger.

This time, God prompted the heart of a coworker/friend, who challenged me to let God step in. While she gave me some tangible things to do to try and prevent myself from sinning, it gave me the space, the breathing room, I needed to let God step in and begin doing a work in me. I was able to come clean about this with friends and family. When I faced temptation, God gave me clear ways out. I just had to choose His way and not mine.

Just like Paul in that passage still has his thorn, I still have mine. It's still a big temptation. It's just that it seems to have gotten easier and easier to deal with the more I let God be my strength in those moments. When I allow his grace to cover this situation, and his power to rest on me.

Like Paul said, I would be a fool to brag of the other things in my life, but bragging about what God has accomplished in me is worthy of being bragged about.

And somehow, in my nervous state, God showed up and used my words his words to touch people. A lot of people just said how moving it was for me to share that, but specifically I had a friend who came and grabbed me to share how it felt like I was speaking specifically to them. That's God. God's story of how he can change not only me, but how he can change others.

So what things in your life may not paint the most pretty picture of you, but paints the most perfect picture of God? What things have you overcome with Jesus that could help someone else? Or what shortcomings, sins, weaknesses have you yet to give to God to allow his grace and glory to shine through?

God's grace is sufficient. You need nothing else.

#239 Tough Weeks

This week has been tough for my other half. Like really tough. He's capable of so much, and so its very rare to see him feel down or defeated. While he's not defeated, he's licking some wounds, but I know he'll be back on top again in no time.

I hate to say this, because it's a moment where I feel like God is teaching me instead of him, and for Stephen to have to go through hardships for me makes my heart ache. More so I guess it's just God using our circumstances to teach me. But for a while now I've been beyond hesitant about Stephen to pursue his dreams of a used car dealership--in fact I've been scared.

I've wanted all our ducks lined in a row before we take the next step, when sometimes in reality I think God asks us to step before we've got it figured out, before we've got the courage to step out, and asks us instead to trust Him first.

I realized praying to God on my way home from work today, that God has let us fill up our storehouse. There's a reason for that. Since day one of us getting married it's been my intent to have 6 months of savings built up, in case we were to lose our job we'd be covered for a good long while.

He prepared us for a time like this before it was even a thought. Because I know, somewhere down the line whether it's now or later, we will have to use what we've stored up.

But now more than ever I want my husband happy. So whatever that takes, I think I'm finally ready for us to do that.

The rest of the day was spent cuddled up on the couch with Stephen, halfway between awake and asleep,and then an early night since Stephen has started going in at 5 am to catch up on things.

He's a workhorse.

#238 Girls Bible Study and IF

EDIT: The BIGGEST thing I forgot to include about today, was the fact that my husband, literally after the worst day, came home and straightened up our bedroom because he knew it was overwhelming my little head. Is he not literally the best?

Well tonight I felt like a running advertisement for IF, but we've been trying to decide what would be a good fit for our next girls Bible study. The guys have been going strong dissecting and discussing a different verse each week. While they go in depth and learn lots, sometimes its really more about building their bonds with one another. I think our ladies really have been aching for more than just hang out time.

We did that a couple of years ago, and because I am just not made to be a leader, our time together was good, but we just never really were able to open up easily with one another, nor did everyone give input. When you've only got 3-4 people regularly showing up, it's tough when people don't speak. So instead it turned into hang out time, instead of Bible time.

About 6 months later we tried again with a book study, but doing book studies always costs money. So that was tough because we're then asking our college students to always fork over money every 6 weeks.

So again about 4 months after the fact we had another study that required purchasing a book. It was really good, but we just can't keep that up.

So here we go at trying to implement an IF:Table...

It's simple. Super simple. Just a few women gathering together over a meal, and discussing questions pertaining to God and His Word. It's intended for discussion, and hopefully between Amber and I (some of the biggest introverts) we can get this discussion rolling between us ladies. We've definitely all grown closer, so I'm hoping this is not too difficult for us to do.

It's free. It's engaging. It doesn't require everyone to have read or done a study ahead of time. There's no right or wrong in this setting.

And then around April we are going to try and use an IF:Equip study on how to study your Bible that centers on Philippians, and see if we can implement it into a group study instead.

But we've got a few months. So I'm hopeful we can make this work!

Plus after I came away from this past weekend, it just felt right to begin doing something simple. Nothing complicated or expensive, just back to the basics.

The rest of the night with Amber, we talked about house hunting, jobs, and even watched one of the speakers from IF: Gathering, Jill Briscoe. Her story was much longer than I remember, but I found myself once again getting sucked into her incredible story telling. Hopefully I didn't bore Amber to death, but we ended up having some good discussion on it and another Pastor's message clip that a friend had shared.

Before we knew it, it was 10 pm, and the storm had finally let up outside long enough for Amber to head to her car without getting wet.

I sat inside watching some of my Timeless episode, until the lights began to flicker and then pitch black darkness surrounded me. Very quickly I felt a little wet nose touching my feet, and then the warmth of Bear's body on top of my legs. Pretty sure I have no idea where any of our flashlights live, so I had to use my phone instead. And in the dark, Bear and I just sat there, him shivering and me telling him it would be okay. The flashes of light flooding into the den, and the rumbling of thunder not far behind.

Stephen and Matt made it home from guy's group in the dark, but not long after the power was back on.

If you're reading, would you pray for Stephen. It's been a rough time at work, and this man who excels at everything he puts his mind to has had it difficult for 6 months plus now. He's been handed a bad deck, and there is literally no way to win this game. But instead he's got all the officials telling him he's still got to win, they can't end this game with out a win.

Terrible analogy, but you get me. Just need prayers.

#237 Shopping Spree

Stephen and I have a pattern of never shopping for clothes until we desperately need new ones. It's been a while since I've really had any new looks. And this isn't even in a dent in what I need for my wardrobe, but heck it's more than I've done in a while. So Lucky Brand wore off on me and I managed to snag some 60% off deals on what was already marked down....

Little taste of what is to come.

Because I struggle with the shame of my weight lately, its tough for me to want to invest in clothing that I see in a size that's larger than I'd like, or I hope I won't fit into much longer. But gotta be happy in the skin your in, and dress for how you want to feel and be now. Because looking like a dump in holey clothes that don't really go together doesn't help anything. Although I still need help in the fashion department. Give me a house to decorate, but myself not so much.

After getting home to a grungy house, I took a brief nap because this cold/sickness is still hanging out. We then headed over to David and Anna's new house for a leadership meeting on our Prayer Groups on Thursdays.

I've been leading one for a while, although I've been out for 3 weeks. I'm not the most dependable prayer leader. It's something I enjoy when I'm in the moment, but I am just not a natural leader. I don't enjoy leading people, but can if no one else will step up. 

So I was pretty excited to not only get to hear suggestions and ideas from people on what was working for their groups, but also that I won't be regularly leading a group. Only if we have a large group of late comers or stragglers will I lead a group in the lobby before we begin on Thursdays.

The pressure is relieved! 

Arrived home to Matt on the door step, since he lost his house key. We then delved into conspiracy theories through the power of YouTube about how planet earth may actually be flat. 

Yeah I said it. Yes. The earth may be flat. 

Do I believe that? No. Do I see there is a lot of evidence that doesn't quite make sense? Yes. Did I also relay this conversation the other day to Melinda in the airport while waiting for our plane? Yes. Did I sound like a crazy person in the midst of like 20 people? Yes. Especially that one guy that eyed me like I needed to be in a psych ward. 

I know judgy dude. I know. My husband is a crazy conspiracy theorist, and even though he's not convinced nor I, we entertain these ideas.

My life is never boring I guess.

#236 Headed Home

This morning we got up, slowly got ready, and headed out to meet Deepty, Siva and their son. We enjoyed breakfast at the Grand Luxe Cafe. It was pretty grand. The shopping center it was in was amazing too. Super nice shops and restaurants, very similar to South Park Mall in Charlotte.

After breakfast, Melinda and I had time to spare, so we browsed in a little odds and end shop. I found some socks for Stephen, Matt and my mom.. weird socks. And also caught glimpse of some awesome pillows...

Who do I spy with my little eye?

Aren't these the best?

We saw Deepty and her family one last time in Apple, but quickly decided we should head into Lucky Brand store. Which I was not going to object to. Normally would never afford their items, but I recently got a purse from TJ Maxx that is Lucky Brand and I'm slightly obsessed with the quality of it, so for me it's worth the extra money. I never spend a lot on things, and anything over $20 is a struggle. But after having my $30 purse from Target be destroyed very quickly (peeling, etc), I figured it was time to invest a little more in something I knew I'd use.

TJ Maxx Online is my jam.
All leather, so no peeling. So far it's worn beautifully and I use it ALL THE TIME.

So call me happy that I managed to walk out of this store with two tops for $40, one of them being a sweater. Everything feels expensive. I'm telling myself that at least.
It has pockets!

This top, but in green.

We made it to the airport in plenty of time. Caught all our flights at the right time. Got to Charlotte airport a little ahead of schedule, but didn't leave before we helped a lady from Hong Kong find her luggage and her daughter. 

So glad to be home in my own bed tonight, but so thankful for good neighbors and the blessing of this weekend!

#235 IF: Gathering

Today was an all day IF:Gathering meeting, and also unfortunately the last day of it.

We got to hear from beautiful speakers like Bianca Olthoff....

Rise Up

of course Jennie Allen...

Give Jesus Away

so many others, but especially this lady...

Jill Briscoe
Jill Briscoe is a master story teller, and all she does is just tell her story of what God has done, and I swear you could just listen to her for days on end. She communicated so honestly that she's not bold, she's scared at times, and that she's just human, but God's used her when she's said "yes". Some speakers I think "yeah sure", but you know Jill is telling you the honest truth. She went 20 minutes over, and I think we could have let her keep going for another 40 minutes. Seriously just want to bottle up the wisdom God has given her so I can learn from it and see what she's seen.

Today was a lot of getting pushed into doorways as people tried to grab a seat, waiting around in the cold for the next session to start, not eating so we could be first in line, getting some really good shopping done, and more.

My new necklace from IF. In love with it.

But most of all, obviously, the great teaching we were able to hear as well as being challenged to continue doing the "small things" that many have done before us, like investing in believers and discipling.

Also fell in love with this song that has been ringing in my head ever since...

After everything was said and done, we headed over for Jennie Allen's new book release. We grabbed a little grub there, got to meet Jennie Allen, and got a couple of bookmarks made for Melinda and her daughter. 

Then we headed out to Eastside Cafe, where we enjoyed carrot pasta manicotti, and it was amazing.

Came back to the AirBnB we're at, and now we've officially settled in for the night.

#234 What IF?

This morning we woke up early hoping to go to graffiti park after a good breakfast and do a little spray painting.

They require a license. Great.

So we consoled ourselves with an amazing breakfast at Snooze. Seriously. The best. I had the Chile Verde Benny. Oh my.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We did decide to atleast look at Graffiti Park, and lo and behold were empty cans of spray paint, so we painted!

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We headed on to IF:Gathering at Austin City Limits for their pre taping session, where they lead an IF:Table which I had never seen or been a part of.

It was my first introduction to IF, and I thoroughly enjoyed no only it, but IF itself. We got to meet so many interesting people,and they began to make so many things I already knew more tangible. Especially discipleship. I'm not sure I can delve into it all right now, but nonetheless I'm loving every moment of it.

We ventured out to Torchy's again tonight, because well we got tired of looking for somewhere to eat.

The End.

#233 Austin Bound

At the crack of dawn this morning, I woke up to only have to walk next door to my neighbor Melinda's house. We loaded up our luggage, and began our hour and half drive to the Charlotte airport. Amazingly, other than just my body feeling exhausted, I was wide awake.

We made it to Charlotte with plenty of time to spare, and grabbed a cup of Starbucks coffee to keep us pressing on. One flight later we'd landed in Austin a little early, and managed to grab us some amazing tacos at Torchey's Tacos.

Just outside of downtown Austin

We then quickly went and picked up Deepty from her new apartment in Austin. Crazy it took her moving halfway across the country for the three of us to do anything together. But thankfully this world is a little smaller due to planes and such.

We headed down the road towards Waco, an hour and half drive. I was barely staying awake at the wheel, and Melinda ended up taking over driving since it looked like I was in complete zombie mode. 

And then we were there.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We enjoyed walking around the Silos, wishing for too many items to take home, but too cheap to take home any. Instead we settled for a Magnolia Flour cupcake, and took it to the Dr. Pepper Museum a few blocks away.

On our way there, managed to walk past David Ridley from one of the episodes in Fixer Upper.

David Ridley with the Gaines

I talked way too loudly to Deepty about who he was, and he hollered out to us to confirm that was indeed him. So we managed to chat for a few minutes and find out he's now doing the Waco Tours in town.

The Dr. Pepper museum was cute, but quaint. Unfortunately no Dr. Pepper samples, but we did get to smell a lot of things for free, which really wasn't all that appealing.

Deepty needed to get back home, so we packed up after about 4 hours and journeyed on to her apartment again. Deepty nursed me to health with some Ginger Ale, and after an hour or so of talking with her and Siva, Melinda and I found some really good Chinese food. Really good.

Now for a night's sleep, because I am beyond exhausted.

#232 Neighborhood Walks and Endless Talks

The last night before heading to Austin, TX for the weekend, so Stephen vowed that it would be an intentional night together with no distractions. We enjoyed dinner together at my favorite joint apparently (I'm always there), Chick-fil-a. Quickly ate our meal, before heading right back home to meet my parents for a late night walk in our neighborhood.

My dad actually came with!

So my mom and I talked, as Stephen and my dad talked. We toured the neighborhood. Noticing all the houses for sale, and the different styles of home between our two neighborhoods.

Then we arrived back to our house, and instead of going in, because my parents were "about to leave" we stood in the grass in front of our house for about 30 minutes.

Melinda drove up during our conversation, and handed me my poncho. She's already taking care of me for this trip.

Said our goodbyes, and Stephen and I headed inside for a late night game of Spinners which happens to be made in Waco, TX. Fitting.

While Stephen tried to stay up with me tonight, I finally convinced him to get some rest, because I just don't think I can go to sleep when I've only got 2 hours  or so to rest before our flight. I will oversleep, I know it.

#231 Politics

I am not well versed in politics. Honestly. I hate conflict. I can't hold my own in a debate without thorough research beforehand. Honestly I don't have much time these days for that. But I have views. I also hope I am open enough to consider other viewpoints when presented to me. To discuss. To share. To educate one another.

But I'm tired, so stinking tired of this political battle that keeps roaring on around us. We've gotten in a yelling match. That's all it is. No one is changing their minds. No one is open to listening. You've chosen your stance, and there is no going back. We've pitted ourselves against one another.

So why do we keep yelling? When we've lost the battle of trying to win people to our sides, we start complaining to the world about how tired we are of seeing this stuff rage on around us, and we'd wish everyone would hush.

I guess that's what I'm doing now.

But I guess what I'd like to say is that I feel there is a better way.

I remember a few years ago when the whole Chick-fil-a being boycotted because they support traditional marriages was raging on, and so in retaliation and support of Chick-fil-a all Christians and traditional marriage supporters flocked to Chick-fil-as around the country to show that same sex marriages are evil. And while that may not have been everyone's intent, that's what the message conveyed.

I think that's the problem with a lot of this. We support one thing, and that means we automatically condemn another thing. So let's be aware of that misconception, and make sure our actions can't be misinterpreted as something else. If we do things in action of love, can those intentions be misunderstood?

And all I can think as a Christian, is that we keep trying to apply commands and standards to a sinful world, when they have been given to followers of Christ alone. We expect that somehow a sinful world isn't supposed to do these sinful things.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. - 1 Corinthians 13:1

When we hold people to these standards that a Holy Spirit has not revealed Himself to, our words and actions which we believe support our beliefs are really nothing. When we don't choose to love the world instead of condemning it, everything we say and do is nothing but obnoxious. Nothing is heard over that clanging symbol.

Instead should we not be speaking these words of truth into our fellow believers? When the world says "same sex marriage is beautiful," so we yell back "it's an abomination and a sin", but we don't let them know first there's a love for them out there that can cover their sins (we don't introduce them to Christ first), we are nothing but a clanging symbol.When the world says "abortion is a woman's right", so we yell back "but adoption is another way!", but we don't adopt or foster, we are nothing but a clanging cymbal. When the world says "we can't close our doors to those who need us most", so we yell back "but we need to help the homeless and veterans in our country first", but we don't donate clothing, housing, money, and more to these individuals, we are nothing but a clanging cymbal.

So my thought is, what if we did what we were commanded? What if instead of spewing back an argument, we showed love? What if we decided we don't want the world to doubt our ability as Americans/Christians to adopt unaborted children, so we adopted and foster to the point every child had a home? What if we gave and volunteered our time, money, resources and more to the homeless and veterans the government didn't always have to step in to help them? What if we went overseas to assist those in need, or befriended our Muslim neighbor living here?

I'm not eloquent in what I say, I know this, and I'm not really sure I conveyed what I meant to say. But I can't help but think about the song from Matthew West and how it kind of perfectly sums this up...

So it's a challenge to myself too. Just do something! Lets stop being the excuse that people make about why they don't have to consider abortion murder. Do something.