#43 Surgery Day

11:30 PM

This morning we woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready for Stephen to head into surgery. We had the coffee set on automatic, and woke up to a fresh roast brewing downstairs. Grabbed a quick cup, and headed out the door with Stephen, his mom Jan, and me in tow. We arrived to the hospital, just as my mom was getting out of her car to go inside.

It took us about an hour and a half to get Stephen into surgery, then another hour and half to two hours before we saw him again after surgery. I praise God that I've not been overly anxious about this whole thing, as I tend to have growing anxiety when things are out of my hands. God's protected my heart, and allowed me to be supportive and loving to Stephen as he prepared to go into surgery--although he was pretty relaxed about the whole thing, so not sure how much support I entirely was.

Right before they wheeled him back.

Not until I said "I love you" as they began to unpark his bed and roll him to the OR did I have a mini panic moment. The fleeting thought of thinking this could be the last time I see him, became very real in that moment. Thankful though that God reminds me how quickly things are in control and are a part of his perfect plan.

2 hours later, I see a very lucid husband chatting and cracking up the nursing staff as they wheeled him back into the outpatient room. Could not be more thankful at how smoothly the whole thing went. 

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