#42 Mini Work Week

11:30 PM

Today I tried to get a few things accomplished at work before I'm off for the next two days due to Stephen's surgery.

The best part of my day? Stephen's family coming in to town to spend the evening and tomorrow with us as Stephen goes into surgery. I'm a naturally pretty quiet person. I watch from a distance, interjecting when I really have something relevant and interesting to contribute, otherwise just watching and taking in being around everyone. So to some extent, I guess I can be one of those that is a little hard to get to know, even though I've been in this family for almost 5 years. And somehow even through my silence and awkwardness, this family has become my family who loves me and who is every bit as unique and amazing as the man I married.So when we get to see them, especially not having seen them since Christmas, my world lights up!

Kat and Kevin came over before the whole gang finally made it into town. When Stephen's mom and dad and two younger siblings finally arrived, we sat down to a night of pizza and laughs. Oh and Steve came by to introduce himself and pray for Stephen's surgery.

These moments I feel so blessed to have such amazing and wonderful people not only a part of my life, but a part of my family. I always wanted a large family, and I got it all in one day when I said "I do!" 

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