#36 Catching Up

11:00 PM

Well if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm not the best at keeping up with things like this, especially when I don't have a home computer to sit down at the end of the night with. Ipad yes, Phone yes---but that's too much of a challenge.

The past couple of weeks, have been interesting. Good, but interesting. I've been able to connect with a new friend, and while it's still new, she's shared a lot of her heart with me, and also has tried to establish a relationship outside of our normal scheduled time together. It's been nice having a friend reach out so much to me, but also being able to be there for someone. At the same time too, God's been stretching me. I love being there for people, and I feel I've been praying to God for that, but at the same time the load of another's burdens can become your own. So I'm trying to rely on God for that, knowing it's in His hands, but being a vessel and tool he can use for his glory. Learning. It's tough.

I've gotten to spend many days with my parents at lunch, and even a lunch alone with my dad. I've reconnected a lot with my friend Joanna on our Fridays. We've shopped and hunted in thrift stores, while carrying around baby Jack with us.

On the thrift shop note, I'm trying to find pieces I can redo and refinish to resell for an upcoming craft show at church in April. We'll see. I've got a piece down, and like a billion more to go. Just gotta keep the energy going! I've done a few in the past, and many for our own home, as you can see below.
Art I made for the kid auction & Cindy Hale.

Now resides in my bathroom. Yep.

This past weekend Stephen and I hung out with Amber and Phil. Sampling some goodies at Nonnah's. Watching the waiter intensely press my French Press coffee. Finishing it off by being chased down to sign our receipt that we accidentally took with us. #accidentaldineandditch

We then went over to FBC of Columbia, and got to hear Dr. Les and Leslie Parrott talk about how to fight as a couple. It was interesting, especially since Stephen and I's fights are few and far between--we just do a lot of talking. Although isn't it funny, we learn about how to fight, and like two days later we're in a little bit of a crisis. But I can't express how thankful I am for a man that hears my concerns, hurts, and worries, and doesn't turn them around on me, but finds a solution. When we both want each other to be satisfied, we end up coming out of our fights with a win-win! It's wonderful--especially on this tender hearted person.

So one of the "fights"--seriously that word makes it sound way way worse than what it was--was over just not feeling recognized and appreciated by one another. Stephen's birthday kind of came and past (he was out of town), and I really didn't make a huge deal of his bday at all--including no gift. Seriously we are the two hardest people to buy for, because we tend to buy what we want, and get over what we don't need. So while I felt hurt that Valentine's Day seemed to come and pass with no real recognition, he was still hurt by my lack of making his birthday feel special. So this week is our make up week! 

I started off Monday with welcoming him home with a birthday banner, birthday hats, noise makers (or lack there of), and a birthday candle on top of a box of Charleston Chews. I know how to go big, haha! Then Tuesday, I decorated his car with some window paint--you know exclaiming how great of a hubby he is, for passerbys to fear the beard, and for those chasing his rear to honk because "he's the bday boy!"

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I've got a cake and some guests to come and celebrate with us. Sometimes it's hard to swallow your pride and realize you've messed up big (especially when last year I got him an AWESOME gift), but ya know I feel happy knowing he's happy and feels loved. Also we'll be celebrating valentines tomorrow, and finishing off the night hopefully when some memory makers :) 

It's through the hard things God molds us and shapes us--and on that note I feel so much more clear about possibly where the next step is that God would have me take. Pray for me! 

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