#39 Ski Trip, pt 1

11:30 PM

Today was the first day of our ski trip with our college and career. After last year's last minute ski trip to NC....

2015 Ski Trip

We decided this year would be longer, more planned, and a whole weekend! Stephen has been dying for this weekend to come. Literally. His gallbladder surgery has been on hold so he could snowboard this year.

Stephen and I drove together alone (as Lisa was unable to come, bummer), and Anna, David and Lydia followed close by up to the lodge. We stayed at The Resort at Glade Springs, about 10 minutes from Winterplace Ski Resort. Huge resort, and our cabin ended up fitting all 22 of us pretty perfectly.

Anna, Lydia and I headed out to grab some groceries. These girls have a special place in my heart, and I find it so interesting the differences in our groups, but some how it all works. Grabbed some pizza to head back to the lodge with, and almost everyone had arrived to the cabin by then.

We settled in for the night, having a devotion about why we should care to share the gospel with others, lead by Nicole--who did great.

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