#37 Birthday and Valentines Celebration

11:30 PM

Well today was Stephen and mine's make up day for our forgotten birthday and valentines celebration.

Monday ended in birthday hats and noise makers, Tuesday began with sweet nothings on Stephen's windows, and today ended in a birthday party with a few close friends and family. Stephen knew we were having cake, and some people were stopping by, but he didn't know that my parents were coming (mom had to stay home due to illness), Joanna, Chris and baby Jack, and Kevin would be here. So it was nice to see his face light up each time someone new came to the door. So thankful they were free to run over to the house last minute. Especially Kevin.

I didn't take any photos, but we lit the birthday candles with the #28 on top of a yummy ice cream cake from good ole TCBY. We then sat around for about 2 hours, chatting and enjoying each others company--and isn't that all you can really ask for on your birthday? Company of good people, and full bellies.

Before all the cake though, Stephen called me about 10 minutes before I got off of work, and told me to hold on when I went to leave. A few minutes later he pulled up in the parking lot, with a bouquet in hand.

He then drove us downtown to the Oak Table where we ate braised pork belly, steak, and fish with mussels. And the whole time we got to take in this stunning view (well ignore the people, I had to steal this off their FB)--or at least I did from where I was sitting.

The State House became more and more visible as the lighting dimmed down and the sun disappeared. It was beautiful! Plus the food was pretty amazing.
Not my picture. And not as pretty as it was at night.
I have to say, Stephen and I have felt pretty blessed to have found one another. We love each other, while always trying to please the other. And that means most of the time we are always pretty happy and content, because our needs are taken care of. We feel loved. But we're human, and sometimes we fail. So both of us kind of dropped the ball in the past two months, but we didn't fight over it. Honestly I'm not even sure if Stephen would have said anything to me or not, because he'd tried to move on from it. But we opened up with one another, admitted our faults, and admitted when we'd been hurt. I have to say, it's only brought us closer together.

We could have ended that conversation in a rage, screaming and yelling (although I'm not sure if either of us is capable of that). But knowing that both of us wanted to be heard, and that we both wanted a win-win out of this, we fixed it. We both went above and beyond to make the other feel special, and let them know they are appreciated. In the end, I feel these days have been far better than any old birthday party or valentines date would have been. One of the best memories we've made together by far.

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