#296 Storms Ahead

8:20 PM

Well the weather is back at it again today. All sorts of tornado warnings have been going off throughout the southeast, so our work closed down at 11 am. Yep pretty sure SCBC may be afraid of it's own shadow at this point. I really do appreciate their wanting to keep us safe, but guys, really?

Make the most of it right? So I left work, went to Sandy's for a hot dog where I joked with the staff about the fact they'd have to duck for cover under the counters if the tornadoes decided to show up (because you gotta serve them hot dogs), and went straight to Stephen's work.

I ended up hanging out with him until 2:30pm or so when the sky turned an awful black color and it looked like the sky was about to fall out.

I barely made it home, because about a mile out the rains were so intense. It did seem to lighten up by the time I pulled in the driveway, so I made a mad run for it to the front porch. Sitting on the couch, listening to the rain, and diving into Experiencing God was a perfect way to end the afternoon.

So appreciative of these quiet moments.

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