#295 Lisa

8:15 PM

I've hinted over the past couple of weeks the inability for Lisa and I to get together. I guess God always knows what He is doing--okay I don't guess, I KNOW-- because at a time where I'm ready to "write someone off" God just won't let me.

So we finally met up, and it was completely worth it.

One, Lisa is great to talk to really. She's a counselor by profession, but she doesn't critique and analyze me (at least not to my face! ha). Instead we just talk. We talk like we've known each other for a really long time. It's hard to find people I feel comfortable around, and don't have to try too hard with. I've been able to be there for her at times, and it's good to feel like you can help out someone and that they need you from time to time.

Lisa previously has asked me to kind of walk through her as she does some assessments with a small group she's in at church. I felt pretty honored she'd ask me, and totally unequipped at the same time. But figuring not really anyone knows what they are getting into when they decide to help someone go through these assessments, I said yes hoping God would give me the tools to figure it out.

When I say that tonight was a God moment, it was without a doubt one. I can say that with 100% certainty. God showed up. I was in tears, because I knew in this moment He was speaking right to me.

Again feeling completely unequipped, I just know that God keeps putting people in my path, very specific people, and there is no denying that it's God alone doing it.

I was in shock, and it made me feel like a fool for ever considering giving up on this friendship.

A few weeks ago I stepped out in obedience to something, God showed up that night, and God continues to show up today from that act of obedience. I would not be aware nor in a place to acknowledge the work God is doing right now.

Do I still feel unequipped? Oh my goodness yes! Do I know that God can be strong in my weaknesses? Wholeheartedly.

Going to try to keep stepping out in obedience, because my God is bigger than all this! 

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