#292 April Fools

5:08 PM

This morning I woke up really early to catch a ride with Chad and Andrew to a "Way of the Master" course out at Hulon Baptist Church--the middle of nowhere.

I would be understating it if I said I was blown away by how much I gained from the course, but I really was blown away! It gave a whole new perspective on how to present the gospel and begin gospel conversations with others.

We are taught so often to share of all the good God has done and will continue to do in your life once you're a believer--while true, not sharing the fact that you are indeed a sinner, that you will face hardships, etc--really means we begin to perpetuate the idea of the prosperity gospel at the time of someone's conversion.

"Give your life to Christ and you will be filled with so many blessings and joys!"

So true, but we are also promised a lot of other things too--some not so pretty things.

So without going too much in detail, it definitely gave me a new outlook on how to share the gospel, a holistic picture!

I sneezed through the entire course, and by the time I got home this evening, my allergies had begun to turn into a full fledged sickness--yay! 

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