#43 Surgery Day

This morning we woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready for Stephen to head into surgery. We had the coffee set on automatic, and woke up to a fresh roast brewing downstairs. Grabbed a quick cup, and headed out the door with Stephen, his mom Jan, and me in tow. We arrived to the hospital, just as my mom was getting out of her car to go inside.

It took us about an hour and a half to get Stephen into surgery, then another hour and half to two hours before we saw him again after surgery. I praise God that I've not been overly anxious about this whole thing, as I tend to have growing anxiety when things are out of my hands. God's protected my heart, and allowed me to be supportive and loving to Stephen as he prepared to go into surgery--although he was pretty relaxed about the whole thing, so not sure how much support I entirely was.

Right before they wheeled him back.

Not until I said "I love you" as they began to unpark his bed and roll him to the OR did I have a mini panic moment. The fleeting thought of thinking this could be the last time I see him, became very real in that moment. Thankful though that God reminds me how quickly things are in control and are a part of his perfect plan.

2 hours later, I see a very lucid husband chatting and cracking up the nursing staff as they wheeled him back into the outpatient room. Could not be more thankful at how smoothly the whole thing went. 

#42 Mini Work Week

Today I tried to get a few things accomplished at work before I'm off for the next two days due to Stephen's surgery.

The best part of my day? Stephen's family coming in to town to spend the evening and tomorrow with us as Stephen goes into surgery. I'm a naturally pretty quiet person. I watch from a distance, interjecting when I really have something relevant and interesting to contribute, otherwise just watching and taking in being around everyone. So to some extent, I guess I can be one of those that is a little hard to get to know, even though I've been in this family for almost 5 years. And somehow even through my silence and awkwardness, this family has become my family who loves me and who is every bit as unique and amazing as the man I married.So when we get to see them, especially not having seen them since Christmas, my world lights up!

Kat and Kevin came over before the whole gang finally made it into town. When Stephen's mom and dad and two younger siblings finally arrived, we sat down to a night of pizza and laughs. Oh and Steve came by to introduce himself and pray for Stephen's surgery.

These moments I feel so blessed to have such amazing and wonderful people not only a part of my life, but a part of my family. I always wanted a large family, and I got it all in one day when I said "I do!" 

#41 Ski Trip, pt 3

This morning we did not have to wake up nearly as early as Saturday. Although it was much more eventful. David's grandmother had been admitted to the hospital and not expected to live much longer. So a mad panic erupted trying to get Nicole and her people ready to leave early to take David back home. He made it there safely, and got to spend almost a whole day with her before she passed away.
The evil eye from Anna.
We topped off the morning with some cleaning, good breakfast, and a small devotion before we all headed out to go home. Lucero and Kanae both joined us on the ride back (they are international students from Mexico and Japan), as well as Adam. All three of them stayed super quiet the entire time, and slept about 4 of the 4 1/2 hours it took to get home. Still was a good ride home.

We came home after dropping off all three of them, to slink into pajamas and rest our aching tired bodies from our previous day on the slopes.

Home feels so good sometimes.

#40 Skip Trip, pt 2

This morning started off super early, grabbing last minute snacks on our way out the door for a day of slopes and tubing. Stephen and I decided we'd try snowboarding again this year, but Stephen was super stoked he could try goofy style, which he seemed to do much better on at the end of our run last year.

Unfortunately, corralling 22 people together to do the same thing is difficult, especially if there are language barriers. We finally arrived at Winterplace, but a lack of staff communication and knowledge led to about an hour of confusion and getting our equipment. But once we had our stuff, we hit those slopes and quick! I made it down the mountain with Stephen and Noah once. Headed up another time to have Stephen pass me again going down the mountain. Finally after fighting really hard to just even stand up and get going, I told myself I'd take a break. About 40 minutes later after hanging out with Noah and Cayman for a few minutes, I decided to try going up about halfway and coming down the slope again--did pretty well that time. Although I was super worn out. I realized it was about 30 minutes before we had to meet for lunch and devotion near the snow tubes.

Stephen down. Stephen down.

This is where asking for directions would have been super smart. I glanced at a map, and realized there was no quick way to get to the tubing lanes without walking a while in the parking lot, or trying to go down the mountain. I attempted the parking lot route, with no luck. So finally I swallowed, and decided that ski lift 2 was the only way I was going to make it where I needed to go. I snowboarded down a hill to the ski lift, no problems there. Climbed on the ski lift with a couple from Charleston. Slammed myself into the snow trying to get off the ski lift. Finally deciding that since I was alone, tired, and agitated at snowboarding, I would just walk down the mountain instead of snowboarding. It was long. Very. Long.

See map above. In yellow. I was emotionally spent once I got down to the bottom.

I walked in, just asking, just daring anyone to ask me how my day was going. I was ticked. I'd been alone, hot, walked forever, my butt hurt, my hands hurt, my legs hurt, and I was hungry.

Thankfully talking with Emily and hearing how she'd persevered through a difficult day of tubing, and still was laughing at the end of it all--well God knew we needed to sit together--because I came out feeling much better. But I still wanted to go back to the lodge for a while.

After much discussion, we finally decided there was no way we'd be able to do devotion in the Mountain Lodge restaurant, as it was SUPER crowded. A few words were exchanged between some of the girls, that was overheard by Anna. She's a tough cookie, and can take a lot, but people saying things that are uncalled for without offering any suggestion on how Anna could change things, had let her reach the end of her emotional limits too. I just wish we could be kind to each other. I know sometimes I say things or think things that are unkind, but I hope I have learned to watch what I say not just around those that I'm irritated with, but also those that are impressionable.

It was just that kind of day. Lots of emotions.

Seven of us piled up in a 5 person sedan, and drove back to the lodge. We slept. We bathed. We ate. We rested. Finally a small group of us headed out again for a night of tubing. Which was really fun, minus my shoes were horrible, and I could barely stand. But man flying down that mountain, much less terrifying than snowboarding! And much more fun!

After a couple hours of tubing, a group of us headed out to Chick-fil-a. We got news that Columbiana mall had a shooter on site, and we all began calling family members making sure no one was out at the mall. Everyone was safe, and no one got hurt. Although, once we finally arrived at Chick-fil-a, Noah called us to tell us he'd hit his head pretty hard and needed to be picked up. After being checked out by Anna and Sarah, he seemed to have no concussion--thank goodness!

We ended our night with devotions, as I sprawled out on the floor to alleviate some of my pain from a day of squats.

#39 Ski Trip, pt 1

Today was the first day of our ski trip with our college and career. After last year's last minute ski trip to NC....

2015 Ski Trip

We decided this year would be longer, more planned, and a whole weekend! Stephen has been dying for this weekend to come. Literally. His gallbladder surgery has been on hold so he could snowboard this year.

Stephen and I drove together alone (as Lisa was unable to come, bummer), and Anna, David and Lydia followed close by up to the lodge. We stayed at The Resort at Glade Springs, about 10 minutes from Winterplace Ski Resort. Huge resort, and our cabin ended up fitting all 22 of us pretty perfectly.

Anna, Lydia and I headed out to grab some groceries. These girls have a special place in my heart, and I find it so interesting the differences in our groups, but some how it all works. Grabbed some pizza to head back to the lodge with, and almost everyone had arrived to the cabin by then.

We settled in for the night, having a devotion about why we should care to share the gospel with others, lead by Nicole--who did great.

#38 Tense Moments

Today was one of those days that I was able to power through, and get through all the difficult anxious, anxiety filled events that happen. Praise God for his strength, and making the intense moments seem easy with his assistance!

Thursday nights are interesting, as we've had a visitor for about the past month or so that has caused quite a few issues. He's intent on causing disturbances, by being rude to people who are kind to him, by speaking during lessons and prayer times, and more--but isn't it the people who refuse love the most, the ones that need it the most. It just doesn't make it any easier on those trying to give the love.

Eventually I know things will change. I hope that's a change of his heart, and not just him leaving--but Thursdays then become rather intense and unbearable, at least during our small groups--which I have to lead. My anxiety level rises.

Tonight went well though. He unfortunately had a lot of people who were willing to finally call him out on some of his actions, and hold him accountable. This did not sit well with him, although he did stay until the end of the evening. Although 10 minutes after he left, our FB page had a one star rating from this guy. I can guarantee he'll be back this coming week though. I just know it.

#37 Birthday and Valentines Celebration

Well today was Stephen and mine's make up day for our forgotten birthday and valentines celebration.

Monday ended in birthday hats and noise makers, Tuesday began with sweet nothings on Stephen's windows, and today ended in a birthday party with a few close friends and family. Stephen knew we were having cake, and some people were stopping by, but he didn't know that my parents were coming (mom had to stay home due to illness), Joanna, Chris and baby Jack, and Kevin would be here. So it was nice to see his face light up each time someone new came to the door. So thankful they were free to run over to the house last minute. Especially Kevin.

I didn't take any photos, but we lit the birthday candles with the #28 on top of a yummy ice cream cake from good ole TCBY. We then sat around for about 2 hours, chatting and enjoying each others company--and isn't that all you can really ask for on your birthday? Company of good people, and full bellies.

Before all the cake though, Stephen called me about 10 minutes before I got off of work, and told me to hold on when I went to leave. A few minutes later he pulled up in the parking lot, with a bouquet in hand.

He then drove us downtown to the Oak Table where we ate braised pork belly, steak, and fish with mussels. And the whole time we got to take in this stunning view (well ignore the people, I had to steal this off their FB)--or at least I did from where I was sitting.

The State House became more and more visible as the lighting dimmed down and the sun disappeared. It was beautiful! Plus the food was pretty amazing.
Not my picture. And not as pretty as it was at night.
I have to say, Stephen and I have felt pretty blessed to have found one another. We love each other, while always trying to please the other. And that means most of the time we are always pretty happy and content, because our needs are taken care of. We feel loved. But we're human, and sometimes we fail. So both of us kind of dropped the ball in the past two months, but we didn't fight over it. Honestly I'm not even sure if Stephen would have said anything to me or not, because he'd tried to move on from it. But we opened up with one another, admitted our faults, and admitted when we'd been hurt. I have to say, it's only brought us closer together.

We could have ended that conversation in a rage, screaming and yelling (although I'm not sure if either of us is capable of that). But knowing that both of us wanted to be heard, and that we both wanted a win-win out of this, we fixed it. We both went above and beyond to make the other feel special, and let them know they are appreciated. In the end, I feel these days have been far better than any old birthday party or valentines date would have been. One of the best memories we've made together by far.

#36 Catching Up

Well if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm not the best at keeping up with things like this, especially when I don't have a home computer to sit down at the end of the night with. Ipad yes, Phone yes---but that's too much of a challenge.

The past couple of weeks, have been interesting. Good, but interesting. I've been able to connect with a new friend, and while it's still new, she's shared a lot of her heart with me, and also has tried to establish a relationship outside of our normal scheduled time together. It's been nice having a friend reach out so much to me, but also being able to be there for someone. At the same time too, God's been stretching me. I love being there for people, and I feel I've been praying to God for that, but at the same time the load of another's burdens can become your own. So I'm trying to rely on God for that, knowing it's in His hands, but being a vessel and tool he can use for his glory. Learning. It's tough.

I've gotten to spend many days with my parents at lunch, and even a lunch alone with my dad. I've reconnected a lot with my friend Joanna on our Fridays. We've shopped and hunted in thrift stores, while carrying around baby Jack with us.

On the thrift shop note, I'm trying to find pieces I can redo and refinish to resell for an upcoming craft show at church in April. We'll see. I've got a piece down, and like a billion more to go. Just gotta keep the energy going! I've done a few in the past, and many for our own home, as you can see below.
Art I made for the kid auction & Cindy Hale.

Now resides in my bathroom. Yep.

This past weekend Stephen and I hung out with Amber and Phil. Sampling some goodies at Nonnah's. Watching the waiter intensely press my French Press coffee. Finishing it off by being chased down to sign our receipt that we accidentally took with us. #accidentaldineandditch

We then went over to FBC of Columbia, and got to hear Dr. Les and Leslie Parrott talk about how to fight as a couple. It was interesting, especially since Stephen and I's fights are few and far between--we just do a lot of talking. Although isn't it funny, we learn about how to fight, and like two days later we're in a little bit of a crisis. But I can't express how thankful I am for a man that hears my concerns, hurts, and worries, and doesn't turn them around on me, but finds a solution. When we both want each other to be satisfied, we end up coming out of our fights with a win-win! It's wonderful--especially on this tender hearted person.

So one of the "fights"--seriously that word makes it sound way way worse than what it was--was over just not feeling recognized and appreciated by one another. Stephen's birthday kind of came and past (he was out of town), and I really didn't make a huge deal of his bday at all--including no gift. Seriously we are the two hardest people to buy for, because we tend to buy what we want, and get over what we don't need. So while I felt hurt that Valentine's Day seemed to come and pass with no real recognition, he was still hurt by my lack of making his birthday feel special. So this week is our make up week! 

I started off Monday with welcoming him home with a birthday banner, birthday hats, noise makers (or lack there of), and a birthday candle on top of a box of Charleston Chews. I know how to go big, haha! Then Tuesday, I decorated his car with some window paint--you know exclaiming how great of a hubby he is, for passerbys to fear the beard, and for those chasing his rear to honk because "he's the bday boy!"

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I've got a cake and some guests to come and celebrate with us. Sometimes it's hard to swallow your pride and realize you've messed up big (especially when last year I got him an AWESOME gift), but ya know I feel happy knowing he's happy and feels loved. Also we'll be celebrating valentines tomorrow, and finishing off the night hopefully when some memory makers :) 

It's through the hard things God molds us and shapes us--and on that note I feel so much more clear about possibly where the next step is that God would have me take. Pray for me! 

#35 Long Nights

Our Thursdays are always some of our longest days. Good day but really long. Work was good, and I got to spend time again with the two little boys at HB Rhame. We learned what a peach and cauliflower were, although these boys will never actually call them by those names now. They are too cute.

This evening went really well at College and Career. The band was on point, small groups seemed to go well, and Steve's message was right to the point challenging us to live and be radical for God and evangelizing.

Ending the night in life discussions between friends, I was so ready to come home and just sleep. Marvelous sleep. 

#34 Discipleship is a Process

So tonight I met up with Amber, who I am suppose to begin discipling. Steve really wants us to start this, but seems to think we should wait till the end of the month, which is good, but seems forever away! Amber and I hung out and just talked about life, but also looked at some scripture to try and have a better understanding of what God's Word says about discipleship. It was eye opening, although I think I took us both for an adventure with 22 scripture verses. But I loved that we covered everything from following Christ whole heatedly and what cost that comes at, to loving others because we are commanded to and Christ loved us, and then ending with how we are to not only invest in the lost but continue growing those of the faith in the faith and helping them get closer to God and his will.

Then we just chatted. And I can't help but feel that it was just a perfect way to open up a new friendship and means of communication. I'm pretty excited, yet nervous. As one of the verses we read said, "Follow my example, as I follow the Lord's." I wanted to scream "PLEASE DON'T!" But as someone leading another, I should be following my own advice, but mainly following the Lord's will and be an example. It's a high standard to live up to, and keeps me accountable.

#33 Sleeping Beauty

Not so sure about the "beauty" part of sleeping beauty, but I've found myself the past few days crashing way earlier than I intend. Guess Stephen gets a lot of video game playing in! Although, my body needed the rest, so I think it was telling me to stop. Sweet dreams.

#32 Girls Night Out

So every Monday I get to spend my evening with a few of our lovely ladies from College and Career. We are able to catch up on life together, spend time reaching out to others through texts or cards, and then spend a few moments in God's Word and prayer. Plus I love coffee, and we meet at Starbucks, couldn't get any better!

Sarah shared with us the passage in Philippians 4:4-8 I believe. And it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I've spent the past few days, if not months in a lot of anxiety. It's grown, even Stephen has noticed. I spoke with my friend Jenn, and she was able to give me a lot of insight on the issue. And this verse was just God's confirmation that He knows my struggles, He plans for them! He gives us tangible ways to turn to him, put positive thoughts into practice, and thing promises us that He is the God of Peace. Whew!
Philippians 4:4-8