#77 In My Head and Small Groups

5:22 AM

Today was one of those days where I couldn't get out of my own thoughts. Sometimes that's a dark trap in there, just saying! Not until I got a sweet text from Stephen did I seem to snap out of it. Sometimes a quiet day in the office, is NOT what I need. But the day was good nonetheless.

Made a quick pit stop by the Postal Express for some stamps for camp, and then went to pick up my book on reserve at the library across the street. I just wrapped up Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, and so now I'm on to On Folly Beach. Which I read about a page of tonight, until I just about couldn't stay awake any longer.

After coming home with my new book in tow, Stephen and I quickly changed clothes to head over to Steve's for our Monday dinner. Pizza, and a few of our closest friends, it was a nice small gathering--which speaks wonders to my soul! God knew just what I needed, and just when I was contemplating not coming because I was not feeling crowds. God provides, even in the little things.

And before reading my new book, and drifting off to sleep, I did get to view this amazing wonder from Jenn.

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