#70 My Work

5:06 AM

Today was one of those days, where just nothing seems to go quite right. Not a bad day, but I let the enemy take hold of my thoughts. I start feeling alone. Doubting myself. Isolating myself.

My introvert self finds it hard to not gravitate towards the familiar and people I feel connected with. I try to branch out of that, and I can socialize with some of the best of them. But my soul craves closeness and one on one time with people. Unfortunately that circle tends to be small, and when I have to continuously invest outside of that circle, I start feeling alone. Like no one knows ME. It's not true. I know it's a tactic of the enemy to isolate me. Sometimes it's hard to realize it in the moment though.

Today I got to do one of the things I enjoy. Creating artwork or ways to promote things.
This year's as we are running our support of OCC through the summer.
Last year's, although unfortunately we never got to use it.
Today it was for our Operation Christmas Child at FBC Lex. They'll be using this in the bulletin to help raise support. I'm sure we'll be changing it up a little week to week. Just makes me feel good to accomplish something.

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