#47 Tales and Nails

11:30 PM

I treasure these Fridays off. Time to myself to recharge, as well as catching up with others.

Joined my parents for lunch at Taco Bell, as we chatted about everything except their roof, which is the first time in months. I left straight from there to Target to buy some things for dinner and reload on toilet paper--it was getting critical--when I got a call from Stephen to meet the Windstream guy since our Internet has been down all week.

I got to enjoy a fleeting glance at our flower bed right now on my way inside...
Irises from my mom's yard as well as creeping jenny.
And praise the Lord the guy could fix the Internet problem. Took longer than he thought, but he got it working!

I took a breather as well as cooked some grub before Stephen and his family got to the house. They are staying the night to attend Kat's graduation tomorrow. Got a manicure by my favorite cosmetologist. 
Precrackle nail polish

Sgirl doing her thing!
Then Jan and I ventured outside to identify one of my plants she liked, but since I just buy things that are perennials and like the sun, I never know what I'm actually buying, or at least can't remember it. I then had this realization. My mom and I take tours of her yard when I come over. Something I thought I would never enjoy or do. My parents used to always drag me to flower nurseries and I would be SO bored as a child. I would lots of times sit in the car and wait out the heat as I played or slept. But now that I have a home of my own, I at least like my yard to be pretty. So I plant things for the sake of that, but it means I kind of enjoy picking out flowers and looking. So now my mom will take me on tours of her beautiful yard, and it's moments like these I know I will treasure. Looking back one day I'm going to relish in these quiet moments alone with my mom, looking at and sharing in the things she loves. And so here I was tonight, touring MY yard with my mother-in-law, or "in-love" as we like to say. Sharing this moment together, just as my mom and I do. The moment passed too quickly, before I even realized what we'd just shared. Isn't that the case though? The insignificant moments pass by so quickly, before you even know that there is significance there.

Stephen and I stayed up way past a reasonable hour trying to get him and the guys set for inventory tomorrow at work. But for the sake of memories, lack if sleep is so worth it, right?

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