#60 Serpentarium

We woke up semi early this morning so we could make it time for the alligator feeding at the Serpentarium. With an hour drive in front of us back to Edisto, we grabbed a quick coffee and bagel breakfast sandwich on the way down the road--from the sketchiest little looking place that turned out to be as cute as could be inside with such good food.

We arrived at the Seperentarium, and I browsed the gift shop as I waited for Stephen. I found a few little things on Hepzibah Jenkins Townsend in some of the books--a pioneer for God, missions, and women! She's kind of become our little South Carolina Baptist heroine. It's neat to see just the general public take such an interest to her story too, in fact calling it one of the most gripping stories of Edisto Island. A woman who stood up to her husband to be faithful to God, befriended her servants, went above and beyond to start the first missions offering, and started the first baptist church on Edisto Island. She's a cool lady. I actually gave my mother a book for her birthday this year written by Rosalie Hunt, former Recording Secretary for national WMU and foreign missionary, about Hepzibah's life.

We paid our fee, and explored the inside snake exhibit for a bit, until we realized it was feeding time!
We learned so much about alligators and got to see a face off between one of the alligators and a buzzard.

Explored some more around the outside. Met Joe the tortoise and his girlfriend.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

Enjoyed a snake demonstration and milking, as well as seeing one of the exhibit snake's eggs that were beginning to hatch.

It was definitely worth the drive back there, as we spent over 3 hours there!

We headed on back home through small towns and smaller roads. Saw the landscape change from lowcountry to midlands; which is the depressing way to go about it. The lowcountry has so many beautiful low wide trees, filled with Spanish moss as it dangles in the wind, a cool breeze with a hint of humidity, and everything always seems green or just super spacious--and then you get to the rolling hills of the midlands where the breeze disappears and the trees are all pine. But we love our home here, regardless of no Spanish moss.

Stumbled across the worst food of the week, in the smallest town of the week.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on
But the experience was worth the sacrifice in quality. Glad to be home, in my own bed.

#59 Edisto Beach

We slept in this morning, and then decided we go explore Edisto Island for a bit. This is "my beach" in my mind. My parents and I spent countless summers here renting out a small beach home, where I always got to sleep in the water bed. We always came to this place, and in the mind of a child it's not a rental home it's YOUR home. So this place was. After driving around for a bit, my memory served me well and we found my home...

Countless summers on that porch, now for sale!
This island though is as non-touristy as it gets. You come here for just the beach, that's it. The gas station that is on the island closest to the beach, is the only one on the main island. It was closed every other year because it just didn't get enough business. There used to be a Piggly Wiggly, so small you had to suck in to move up and down the aisles, but now is a Bi-Lo. A few small businesses have made their way on the island over time and seem to be doing well.

We drove to the very tip to a restaurant that's been there supposedly for 45 years, which somehow we never ate at before now--I think it was that healthy diet of fresh shrimp from the bay all those years that kept us away.

So we ate at Whaley's, which I have to say had some of the best tasting fried seafood I've ever had.
Whaley's, an old converted convenient store.
We walked along the beach, until mother nature made me cranky.
These rock dividers paced out every few 100 feet.
So Stephen found the closest coffee shop, and well it didn't disappoint. Just what I needed.

We had hoped to see the Serpentarium, which is something I've never visited before even though we've passed it countless times. It was closed that day, but open the next, so we are tossing around the idea of going back tomorrow.

We ventured for a few minutes back to Angel Oak tree. Enough time to capture this amazing shot.

A photo posted by Brittany Prahl (@diednsaved) on

We decided the day was not done, so we headed another 20 minutes in the opposite direction from our bus to Charleston.
Finally saw Rainbow Row.

Between the Battery & Waterfront Park.
So glad I didn't lie to Stephen when I said I always see dolphins down at Waterfront Park. Sure enough we saw quite a few, even one that leaped out of the water! Stephen's first time seeing dolphins in the wild.

After a long walk around Charleston, we headed out to a really cool theater to go see The Jungle Book.

Board games, gourmet food, and all
A satisfying watch for sure! Headed back to Johns Island, but not before completely engorging ourselves on the Tattooed Moose's food.

Duck Sandwich, blue cheese & garlic fries, and a cuban
Ending the night with another movie that I fell asleep in. Come on Bond, you aren't supposed to disappoint me like that.

#58 Johns Island

We checked out of the hotel this morning, unsure of how we should spend the rest of our day at Hilton Head. Well everything we tried to see was closed or in a private community, and looked mainly like this all day....

Closed park

Rain. Rain. So MUCH rain.
Everything was coated in a fine mist, and bridges and waterways were unable to be viewed as everything was coated in clouds and rain.

We made a few pit stops along the way at small towns like, Beaufort, and visited dry tiny shops with cool signs.
Getting transported in time.
So we headed on to Johns Island to find our hotel for the night. A tiny bus converted home. 
Night shot on AirBNB

Interior shot.
Johnny who owns the bus was out of town, but we also got to see some of his surrounding property like his new home, a real tiny home!

Such a rainy day.
We headed out for dinner that night to a French restaurant and came back to listen to the rain tinking on the roof of the bus as we sat down to watch the movie The Room.

#57 Tybee Island and Hilton Bound

Enjoyed one of the best hearty breakfasts and a most unexpected restaurant, called b. matthews.
Shrimp and grits for bfast? Yes.
We ventured onto Tybee Island, walked on the beach, and then headed on to Hilton Head to try and make it for lunch at the Salty Dog Cafe. This vacation kind of turned into a giant coastal food tour.
Selecting deliciousness

A taste of the view
With full bellies, we ventured to Harbor Town to take in sights of the lighthouse and a quiet afternoon of rocking chairs which are set up everywhere.
We didn't climb up this time
Before leaving the Sea Pine gated community there, we checked out the ruins from an old plantation, imagining life on this island 200 years ago.
These trees.
At a loss of what to do with the rest of the day, we took a nap at the hotel, and finally made our way to Caligny Park for beach walks, icecream (the most epic coffee icecream), and beach swings as the sun set behind us. It turned into my favorite night so far on this trip. I kept wondering if we could just stay on that swing and keep doing this over and over again till it was time to go home.

Caligny Park in the day. Ocean in the background.

#56 European Experience

We woke up around 8:30 and got ready to head out for some breakfast and a day of seeing as many modified cars as possible at the European Experience. We tried to eat at one restaurant in downtown Savannah, but with a line out the door (which is a good sign) but no time to spare, we ended up at the Coffee Fox.
Scones, yogurt, and a brownie later
Which was delectable, and gave us a great view of the road as modified cars zoomed by, engines revving, filling the streets with smoke and screeching tires.

We drove onto Hutchinson Island via the race track, cop cars were spaced out every quarter mile keeping everything tame.
View of the show and Charleston behind

The demon eyed beast.
I tuckered out after an hour or so, and eventually we took a break and headed out to see a few Savannah sites.
The lowcountry is a magical place.

We ended the day with a little more car show...
A taste of some cars.
and dinner at a local pizzeria, which delivered a pretty tasty Thai pizza and gelato. We strolled along the River Walk area, with the best cool breeze we could ask for.

#55 Baby Emma

Woke up this morning and spent most of it curled up on the couch like this...
My most epic white girl photo.
Which was pretty ideal, smelling the sweet aroma of sweet olive candle, a perfect cup of coffee, and reading the Word and about exploitation.

We got to see Jenn, Robbie, and even Nick and Chelsea at little Emma Sledge's baby shower. It was a perfect time of catching up and celebrating this new life. Chelsea entered a war zone with all the balloons that were in there, but she held in like a champ till her allergies resulting in continuous scratching.

Also it's great to see friends we unfortunately can't just run into randomly around town (they just live too far away!), and that we haven't gotten to see in months, all before heading off for our vacation week.

We packed up as soon as we got home. Loaded up the pups to take to my parents. Then we drove on out to Savannah for the European Experience car show tomorrow.

When we got to the hotel, a European lady was having trouble explaining to the night shift worker how unfair it was that breakfast cut off earlier than indicated, which led to about 7-10 min of awkward standing around waiting for the conversation to end so we could check in, at 11 pm at night. Stephen finally intervened, and we grabbed our room keys to head up to room 203. Occupied room 203. Back down to get a new key to unoccupied room 115.

Finally sleep.

#54 Drives to Nowhere

After dinner, I could feel all the caffeine pulsing through me that I had tried to use to extinguish the headache I had that day. It left me feeling jittery and restless, so Stephen and I drove out by the lake. We saw the sun setting and beautiful mansions with the most pristine yards.
The Beard driving 

Sunset on the dam

We talked about how weird it is to live in neighborhoods, all squished together, but after seeing views like this you get why people are okay with being stuffed in.

Reese's explosion

We then headed to Menchies for a little yogurt before calling it a night.

#53 IHOP You Hop

This guy on the way home would not stop for anything. Just ignore he was riding practically just on his rim, and slapping the side of his car with giant pieces of rubber. Bad, but funny. Kept waving him over but he was set on driving home.

Hopefully I'll eventually get the video to upload.

After Unleashed tonight a big group of us went to IHOP. Eggs, potatoes and 2 buttermilk pancakes later and I was filled with food, fellowship, and sleepiness. Jason told us his darkest thoughts, kind of haha. Things we cared not to know. Better not get on his bad side though, all I'm saying! The more I get to know the people, the crazier they get, but the more you just have to love them.

#52 Thank You Cards

Today some thank you cards arrived at the office, one for every staff member. Mine? I had the best little girl write mine--I mean she knows exactly how to flatter a gal!

So cute.

Sadie is the best.
I mean I got double doses of compliments today. This will permanently reside now on my shelf--you know for the ego boost every now and then!

#51 Mockingjay

I came home today to David's car in the cul-de-sac. I walked in to overhearing David and Stephen discussing our Thursday nights and the College and Career Ministry. Discussing changes that might need to be made, ways to involve other churches with a lack of CnC ministries, etc. It was neat to hear their vision and questions God was asking them about how to better this ministry.

I finished cooking, and we sat down to enjoy an Italian baked pasta dish and some veggies. We talked about Stephen's day as he visited possible new customers for their agriculture tire business--which isn't something they've really ventured into before.

Stephen finished cutting down the giant weeds that have begun to reside in our backyard, including attaching a work light to the edger after the sun finally went down. Such a redneck.

We finally got to watch Mockingjay Part 2--and man was that a movie! Although I was falling asleep through half of it, it was nice to have a quiet evening and kind of be on a date at the same time.
Truth. Was not prepared for the end.

#50 Villa Tronco

After work, I rushed to Trader Joes (just this time it happened to be the one in Columbia). I didn't have many minutes to spare, so I dashed in and out grabbing a beautiful assortment of flowers--much better than the day before! These were for MY mom. A woman who stands the test of time and displays to me the meaning of being a godly woman constantly! I'm not even a fraction of the woman she is, but I know without her I wouldn't be a fraction of the woman I am now. She's tenderhearted (where I get mine from), doesn't hold a grudge, forgives easily, loves unrelentlessly, selfless, and always puts others before herself. She loves the Lord, and it shows! So thankful and privileged to call this woman Mamma.

When I was just a young lad. Lady.
I hit the clearest traffic in a LONG time on the way home. I seriously have no idea how I made it home from Forest Drive in like 23 minutes. I can't even do that from work, and I passed work on the way home!

Assembled the flowers into a bouquet--success this time!
Angle 1
Angle 2

That one white flower on that second photo, so beautiful! I need to figure out what it was.

We met my parents downtown at Villa Tronco for a Mother's Day dinner. We drove by, and both my parents were outside sitting with the owners. My parents had made fast friends with just about everyone they came in touch with in the few minutes they'd been there, as our waitress knew them too by the time we were seated. 

Imagine them right by that table. :)
This restaurant is beautiful. It's the oldest restaurant in the same location in all of South Carolina--according to Southern Living. They've just celebrated 75 years in that building, which is the brick building that used to be a firehouse. They've got the old fire marker from the smaller building next door, that if you didn't purchase fire insurance, you didn't have a marker, and the fire department would not put out your fire without it! Glad that's not the case today. Across the street from Villa Tronco is an old bus depot that has been a number of things, most recently I believe a plastic surgeons office, but they won't let them put the name on the building because it's a historical site--and well plastic surgeon doesn't scream historic.
Although the Greyhound words & logo are no longer there.
Also, Villa Tronco was the first restaurant to serve pizza in Columbia. Something so unfamiliar at the time, that the grandmother had to give the pizza away to the soldiers that arrived in on the bus station, because no one would buy it! Of course that changed quickly. Now the restaurant is 3rd generation owned, and you can tell they take pride in what they do.

After a yummy meal, filled stomachs on pizza, salad, bread, fish, chick marsala, and key lime cheesecake, my mom had asked if we could see the back room of the restaurant. I really need to learn to take more photos--honestly I just don't like to be on my phone on the time, so I forget a lot! The owner, Joe showed us around.
A funeral pitch was being done in the back room tonight, not this!
So that photo will give you an idea, but this is actually the stables the horses would be in, the ones that served to transport the fire department in times of need! So you can see the beautiful old stable door on the back wall, the peaked ceilings with original beams and brick. It's beautiful!

Joe took us outside, the restaurant lights still dimly lit outside. He mentioned the space above the fire department stables, he would love to convert to a studio to be rented out. The studio would have 16 ft ceilings and floor to ceiling windows. You could just imagine how amazing it would be to live there, especially to overlook the old depot station and the wisps of skyscrapers in the distance.
Such a beautiful building.
We walked to our cars, and my parents gave us our anniversary present, we'll be celebrating 5 years in about 2 weeks! They got us a picnic "basket"! We're going to have some fun days with this in the Hank the Wagoneer!
Cutting board, cups, napkins, salt & pepper shakers, plates!
Table cloth (green is my favorite color) & silverware!

#49 Mother's Day

On our way up to spend the day with Stephen's family, we had to buy every last present for Mother's Day and birthdays we celebrated... we're so slack! Thankfully we made it, but were late by about 30 minutes to lunch. Oh well, we were not the latest to arrive, so there is a plus!

We picked up flowers from Trader Joes, I fully intended on arranging them in a beautiful bouquet. I did at least get to buy a vase, but I didn't bring scissors and I kind of had to assemble two of these bouquets in a moving hot vehicle, soooo here is just a regular shot of some of the pretty tulips Trader Joes had to offer.
Not even my picture. :)
We also found some Castile Soap in Lavendar for Stephen's Grandmother to try--all natural oils which she has really enjoyed getting to use. Please do yourself a favor and read the label.
We died. Dead. Very dead. Is this not the most funny thing you've read on a label?
I almost questioned if we should give it to her after reading it--but that's some good bath reading material right there! Definitely will give you a chuckle or two.

#48 Mr. Micah

Today I got to meet the most precious little boy and his Mamma.
Heading home from the hopsital--yes this was 2 weeks ago!
Kayla came with me all the way up to Asheville to go see these two, and it was soooo worth it! Micah may hate me, or it might just be because I'm so not a baby whisperer, but at least the dog loves me. Seriously though, she doesn't even look like she had a baby--how is that possible! They've got this parenting thing down. They're going to be the funniest parents to have.

Prayers for these two as Neal heads back to work this week.

#47 Tales and Nails

I treasure these Fridays off. Time to myself to recharge, as well as catching up with others.

Joined my parents for lunch at Taco Bell, as we chatted about everything except their roof, which is the first time in months. I left straight from there to Target to buy some things for dinner and reload on toilet paper--it was getting critical--when I got a call from Stephen to meet the Windstream guy since our Internet has been down all week.

I got to enjoy a fleeting glance at our flower bed right now on my way inside...
Irises from my mom's yard as well as creeping jenny.
And praise the Lord the guy could fix the Internet problem. Took longer than he thought, but he got it working!

I took a breather as well as cooked some grub before Stephen and his family got to the house. They are staying the night to attend Kat's graduation tomorrow. Got a manicure by my favorite cosmetologist. 
Precrackle nail polish

Sgirl doing her thing!
Then Jan and I ventured outside to identify one of my plants she liked, but since I just buy things that are perennials and like the sun, I never know what I'm actually buying, or at least can't remember it. I then had this realization. My mom and I take tours of her yard when I come over. Something I thought I would never enjoy or do. My parents used to always drag me to flower nurseries and I would be SO bored as a child. I would lots of times sit in the car and wait out the heat as I played or slept. But now that I have a home of my own, I at least like my yard to be pretty. So I plant things for the sake of that, but it means I kind of enjoy picking out flowers and looking. So now my mom will take me on tours of her beautiful yard, and it's moments like these I know I will treasure. Looking back one day I'm going to relish in these quiet moments alone with my mom, looking at and sharing in the things she loves. And so here I was tonight, touring MY yard with my mother-in-law, or "in-love" as we like to say. Sharing this moment together, just as my mom and I do. The moment passed too quickly, before I even realized what we'd just shared. Isn't that the case though? The insignificant moments pass by so quickly, before you even know that there is significance there.

Stephen and I stayed up way past a reasonable hour trying to get him and the guys set for inventory tomorrow at work. But for the sake of memories, lack if sleep is so worth it, right?

#46 Cookout

Work was slam full as in not getting a lot of work done way. We were in meetings practically from 9 am to 4:30 pm, and I leave at 5. We enjoyed staff lunch at Newks in downtown Columbia, and participated in civil training. You know, how not to sexually harass, bully, be mean, etc to coworkers. Which was funny and informative, but so long!

Picked up Katie on our way to church, and started out leading prayer groups, which has been so much easier since Kevin's attitude has changed, and so it was awesome getting to feel useful and effective in that setting for the first time in a while. Plus I love that Stephanie gets to have her moment of leading a group, in more than just a funny and silly way. That girl is really being molded into such a beautiful lady.

We discussed the lesson on Courage over a late night snack with a good group of us filling up on Cookout. Tried a cappuccino and Reese's milkshake, pretty tasty. And Kevin even made his way out, and we had some really good conversation with him. The 180° God did in him is really just unbelievable sometimes!

Blessed to have a church family that feels like home, that really feels like family.

Oh and these plants I bought for our planter, I lucked out because these are the best full sun plants ever.

Lemon grass and sweet potato vine. Not sure of the other.

They don't even look dead. Like rarely ever. It's a plant miracle.

#45 eMeals

A few things that made me smile today.

Hank the beast, looking shiny.
View from work parking lot.

And one of the most exciting things this week, is discovering Dave Ramsey's endorsement for eMeals. Been trying it for free, and seriously this is the piece I've been missing from my life. Gives me Aldi's recipes and grocery list for 7 meals for 2 people for $60 or less. It coordinates ingredients and Aldi's current sales going on. Makes me coming home and cooking--SUPER SIMPLE. I cannot tell you how great this has been this week. We may not have been 100% sold on the veggie salad in the back--we do not like avocados, so I should have omitted that--but seriously it's all been super tasty. I mean Stephen even wanted seconds on a strawberry pecan chicken salad I made. What?!?!

I'd never actually toasted tortilla shells--so much better!

This dog of ours, Sansa, has become super picky about what she eats. And well sometimes picking around what you do and don't like is just super exhausting. She cracked me up. Food scattered. It was a massacre.
Too lazy to eat.