#314 Life is a Whirlwind

6:17 AM

While I'm obviously behind in posting, I have to say I'm okay with it.
I kept trying to catch up on posts, and found myself struggling to figure out what I did that day because of so much time that had lapsed in between. 

I love having these memories. I love finding something good in the midst of even some bad days. I love being able to express myself in a way that is not entirely natural to me. I mean when it comes to writing, I may be business good, but I am not personal, feeling good like Meghan. Man that girl can write. Or my buddy Jenn, who expresses motherhood and her life in a way that is so raw and real.

So now I sit down about two weeks from the last time I wrote, and life is good. I'm "Glad In It". *Roll Credits*

But really. Life is weirdly different right now. Stephen's new business. Only having one income at the moment. Overwhelming amounts to do at work. A new church plant in the baby stages. Other exciting possibilities (remember? more to come...). Bearing other people's burdens even when it's uncomfortable or difficult. Living life with the most amazing people. Potentially an empty house in the next month. 

It's not always easy to embrace change, at least for me. Although I find myself more and more feeling comforted and challenged by God to keep letting the change occur. To keep pushing myself out of comfort zones because it's worth it when God steps in. 

For the past month or so, there have been two things God has been teaching me over and over again. 

1. Find where God is at work, and join Him in it. 

I'm not sure I've entirely done this 100%, so there is a very clear reason why God keeps flashing this concept in front of my face over and over. I've been disobedient, like getting the inkling to stop and help a lady cover her furniture at her thrift store when rain was looming in the distance. By the time I got over the "that was a weird and strange thought" and got to the "oh I think God may be telling me something--go love on this woman", I turned the car around and went back to the thrift store to find everyone cuddled up inside because the rain was so heavy. Furniture halfway covered up, getting soaked by the downpour. That was a heavy moment. Full of disappointment in my lack of hearing and obeying God. 

But now we are looking at a church plant, and while part of me is like "no that is weird and scary" the other part is "God is at work in this place", and I continue to see the church in this group more than I've seen in a long time in any other group. So join God in that. Meet Him in that place. Be ready to do the work. Be ready to see the harvest that God brings.

2. See God through the filter of the Bible and who I have known Him to be--not my current circumstances.

You know how people always tell you to see your circumstances through "God's filter". I find that super difficult to do. God is infinite. He is greater than I can imagine. He far exceeds any preconceived notions I have of Him. And... 
my thoughts [higher] than your thoughts -- Isaiah 55:9
So how can I see through His filter when I have no clue where to begin. But I know in our circumstances, we tend to let them warp our view of who God is in that moment. When someone loses a loved one, "Where is God in this? How could He let this happen?" God is vengeful, uncaring, unloving, and every other bad name we can throw in there. But is that who God is? Is that who the Bible says He is? Is that who I have known Him to be? No. 

I think of Abraham, he'd been promised a son and to be the father of a nation so huge you couldn't even begin to count. God gave him his son. His promise was being fulfilled. Then God asked for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. But Abraham had faith, that God had not changed. His promises had not changed. He took his son to the altar, and was prepared to kill his own child because God was still going to be faithful to him. In that moment circumstances would tell us something completely different about God than what was true, but afterwards we can see that God was still God and those circumstances did not change who He was. 

Well here is to new starts again, and back sharing life. 

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